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english&french random talks 1--about hair style

luyued 发布于 2011-01-05 19:02   浏览 N 次  



The contents below is reproduced from Garance's blog...

C’est chouette d’observer les va-et-vient de l’inspiration mode. Ce jour-là, j’avais tressé mes cheveux sur le c^oté, comme ca, sans y penser.

C’est au moment où j’ai croisé Giorgia avec exactement la même coiffure que je me suis dit qu’il se passait un truc…

Fl^ute, je pensais trouver mon insipration ici pour mon look du jour. Dommage, le temps que mes cheveux poussent assez, la mode sera passée :S (ouai ca m’aurait plus la tresse :) )
Bon bah, je vais me laver les cheveux !
Bonne journée

Seeing these photos makes me want to grow my hair long again, I miss being able to braid it and do different things with it! The side braids are so lovely and I also really love fishtail braids too.

Alors ca c’est dingue, j’ai rêvé que je me faisai un tresse sur le c^oté tout juste ce matin !


I’m in the process of growing my hair out–it’s gonna take a year or two before I have it where I want it–so I look forward to doing something like this someday.

And your friend has a very strong jawline; the eye makeup and her les yeux brun help set it off.

J’ai une question pour vous : When you see someone you want to take a picture of for your blog, how do you go about introducing yourself and obtaining the photo(s)? I’ve been thinking about doing the same with my blog for my fellow fashionistas dans Louisville, so I was curious. Merci.

That first pic –wow –she’s stunning, and you have captured it so well! I remember bad hair days and funky hairstyles all too well –it’s one of the reasons I chopped off my hair into a 1920s bob –much easier to maintain!

De meme !!
Mauvaise idée de me couper la frange seul j’ai desormais les cheuveux attachés a longueur de temps avec des barrettes partout ! Quelle horreur ! Je n’en peux plus !
Resolutions de l’année : penser aux remedes de grand maman pour les cheuveux !
Oeuf = Brillance
Vinaignre et/ou citron = Souplesse
Huile d’olive et miel = Volume
Nescafé (2cuil) +huile d’olive + jaune d’oeuf = Eclercir

Je le dis a peu près un billet sur deux mais je le redis: Garance te lire le matin avant d’aller bosser c’est comme le café pour certains ou la douche pour d’autre: sans c’est une mauvaise journée!!!
Dis tu nous montres ta tresse?
Perso j’adore mais mes cheveux sont trop courts..

Love braided hair. My hair is too short to braid in a cool and louche way though. Thxfor the pix.

You took my pic last week –I think it was cos you felt sorry for me because my husband as getting all the blogger love- but I was too shy to say hello. Anyway thankyou for being so sweet. I wasn’t loving my outfit that day.

Hi Garance! How weird is that, I just made a post on my blog about the exact same thing! I did my hair the same way. http://tinytriny.blogspot.com/
I love this hairstyle and I like it when it looks a bit messy. My hair is pretty long, and I don’t know any other hairstyles that are easy and quick. I’ll be looking forward to reading your hair posts (on top of my weekly dose of Garance already haha).

Je porte très souvent une tresse sur le c^oté qui me fait sentir (un peu) Sienna Miller ou Diane Kruger. Malheureusement, pour mon amoureux je ressemble àIoulia Tymochenko…Argh dure vie de blonde ;-)

ben moi j’ai porté la tresse sur le c^oté une bonne partie de l’hiver mais j’ai tout coupé, alors la tresse j’oublie. Mais j’avoue que c’est supra joli!!

I love the smokey eyes and barely there lips. The casualness of the braid is exquisite.

C’est quand même dommage de ruiner l’image de ton site qui traite de l’élégance avec des pubs qui affichent les pages les plus racoleuses (=eyecatching) et de très mauvais go^ut pour la marque americanapparel…(这个偏题了,不过有可以学习的句子)

Hi Garance,

first of all I LOVE your blog! Everything about it!
Regarding the braided hair I so agree, caught myself at braiding may hair much more recently.. Love that style.
And see my blog note on braided hair as well as for more hair inspiration ;-)

Garance to banish bad hair days use Moroccan Oil. My hair was horrible brittle frizzy and massively damaged from going brunette to blond. The moroccan oil saved any dignity my hair had left and after a month it is beyond beautiful. Try it our asap. I go to the same salon as kate beckinsdale, drew barrymore, nichole richie and we all use it as << the secreet weapon >> its truely an essential

The side braid is my favorite << don’t have time to actually DO my hair >> hairstyle. I love it! I love how it looks! I’m glad this is officially catching on in le monde du mode!

(le monde=the world)

Beautiful, ethereal photos, as usual. You are a wonderful photographer, Garance.

P.S. The only thing that bums me out is having to see those gross american apparel ads right next to your photos. . .

have braided my hair almost every day since watching the Wang show… certain things are just beyond inspiring.

Maybe I think too much, but what do we do about the loose strands of hair on the other side of the face (braid left, loose strands in about 5 minutes on right side of head)? It looks nicely messy in the beginning, but after a while like a little dog ear (cocker spaniel), even later like one braid came out, while the other is still in.
So; pin it? I think this goes against the nonchalant style of the do. Re-braid the hair a couple of times during the day?
Any thoughts, anyone?

