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luyued 发布于 2011-01-04 17:36   浏览 N 次  

  2009.11.02 布加迪威龙

  布加迪绝对是款令人“喷血”的酷车。它的“酷”,绝不仅仅体现在梦幻的外形上,而是其拥有了一连串的“NO.1”。2003年生产的布加迪ZB16-4威龙是全球功率唯一超过1000马力的汽车,W型16缸发动机能够输出1001匹马力。2004款布加迪威龙则有两项打破当今世界汽车工业纪录的数据:最高车速405.7公里/时,比起历经10年未被打破的麦凯轮车队在一级方程式大赛中创下的386.6公里/时的纪录还快19公里/时,以及每辆售价(含税)约1160万欧元(折合人民币应该是1.2亿左右)的天价。为全世界最贵最奢侈的布加迪威龙确实具有与之身份及其相符的“傲气”,全手工打造的威龙,年产量50辆,而福斯一共只打算做200辆。看吧,即使有钱,也未必人人都能拥有这么贵气十足的跑车。说到底,作为人类代步的汽车,贵到如此程度或许会让有些人感到不解,然而细数下来,布加迪威龙绝对有成为全球最贵的资本。 布加迪停在那里给人以稳定、沉着感。6.3升的18缸发动机,以其408kW的最大功率及650Nm的最高扭矩,一下子就可将车速提升到300km/h。这就是布加迪追求的品味!车贵当然有贵的理由,即使布加迪威龙的价格如此昂贵,也拥有着对它倾心的大批忠实车迷们。


  1837 reach the completely lousy in the Bncpain,1735.Vacheron Constanin1755.With Perrelet1777.each the to lose to spoil the son Timex and Seiko in the vogue.However stand erect of the great king. English[PP]. The blue blood nobility in the watch. The PP isn't been good at with the external appearance of the complicated machine or the pomp.Even seldom inset any diamond or precious stone in the top of the outer shell of its men's wear form. But have a kind of cultured and astringent nobility qualities naturally.So the PP isn't rich and then can wear something to wear.Those golds rings and gold necklace that wear yellow ,usually come in and go out mulberry to take are unqualified to own PP with"the soil wealthy person" roots of the karaoke. The one who wear to wear should be have the certain qualities moderate breezes degree.The manner of speaking is high-class.The successful personage who has"the nobility spirit" just can wear to wear. PP to have with the jewelries such as ring,the hand chain and necklace etc.s of the large very"the immunity dint".Don't moderate very much together and together these east east and PP.So wear a PP friend and should avoid wearing again those tiresome things!


  In 1854, was born in the French carpenter family pauper Louis wieden had finished it in the French palace service work, organized a leatherware shop in Paris, from this time on “the Louis wieden” this afterwards the brand which also goes after like ducks the aristocrat in light of this is born.Relies on the manual geisha's unique talent and to the different time demand sensitivity, the Louis wieden family unceasingly carries on the consummation and the innovation to own product.From the Louis wieden creation“Trianongrey”the canvas system box, to the hard suitcase,“5-tumbler” the lock catch and so on, the Louis wieden product starts popularly.But works as in 1896, Louis the wieden son George wieden printed “LV” famous on the Monogram canvas the trademark, the Louis wieden started as the brand symbol to pour into people's idea truly.In 1914, the Louis wieden same year shop has finally become when the Paris fragrant pavilion Li shed main road 70 that family belongings the global scale biggest travel skin has the special shop.The Louis wieden starts to step onto it“luxuriously”he road. To 1984, the Louis wieden also went on the market in Paris and New York's stock market, and will become a holding company with the next year, and the articles for traveling and the skin will have the service to transfer to serve under somebody's banner subordinate company LouisVuittonMalletier.In 1987, the Louis wieden and in 1743 established the Moet champagne company, and was born in 1765 porch Nepal poem brand has formed the LVHM(MoetHennessyLouisVuitton) group together.After two years, French Arab League Reynold the (Arnault) family starts to govern in this world the biggest luxury goods group.


  DIOR HOMME是男装之中的吸血鬼.的确,吸血鬼式的优雅浪漫,不可湮没的个性独然,以及脱离尘世的超然正是DIOR HOMME的特质窄版的经典剪裁,只适合于如瘾君子身体般羸弱的身材,也许你拥有这些,但是真的要穿出DIOR HOMME,却是如此困难. HEDI的DIOR HOMME,是给世界上那脆弱保留的男人们的。他们有品位但不张显,有头脑但不做作,有金钱但不炫耀,有才气却不显摆. 一切的一切都在隐藏在DH下,神秘的,深邃的释放..在这样的男子和如此的DIOR HOMME的结合之下. 那华美浪漫的隐喻般的优雅才得以轮回。DIOR HOMME适合那种身材类似于电线杆的年轻男人,而且还是要有六块腹股的电线杆…也就是说,即使李亚鹏再怎么减肥也没用,因为他太老了…而且气质七分忧郁三分颓废,眼神九分勾人一分自制,说白了,DIOR HOMME就是为那些吸血鬼一样的情人而设计的诡异又高贵的系列,好莱坞多少明星为了能够穿上DIOR HOMME而减肥健身…于是,有很多女星开始去订制DIOR HOMME衣服,要求适当进行修改,因为人家实在看着DIOR HOMME就眼红,非要据为己有不可,宁可为了DIOR HOMME而洗心革面重新做人,实在是赞!

