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luyued 发布于 2011-06-08 21:46   浏览 N 次  
aid so." "I said from the first," declared Anna Pavlovna referring to Pierre, "I said at the time and before anyone else" (she insisted on her priority) "that that senseless young man was spoiled by the depraved ideas of these days. I said so even at the time when everybody was in raptures about him,polo ralph lauren, when he had just returned from abroad, and when,Giubbotti moncler, if you remember, he posed as a sort of Marat at one of my soirees. And how has it ended? I was against this marriage even then and foretold all that has happened." Anna Pavlovna continued to give on free evenings the same kind of soirees as before- such as she alone had the gift of arranging- at which was to be found "the cream of really good society, the bloom of the intellectual essence of Petersburg," as she herself put it. Besides this refined selection of society Anna Pavlovna's receptions were also distinguished by the fact that she always presented some new and interesting person to the visitors and that nowhere else was the state of the political thermometer of legitimate Petersburg court society so dearly and distinctly indicated. Toward the end of 1806, when all the sad details of Napoleon's destruction of the Prussian army at Jena and Auerstadt and the surrender of most of the Prussian fortresses had been received,lacoste pas cher, when our troops had already entered Prussia and our second war with Napoleon was beginning,Ralph Lauren Veste, Anna Pavlovna gave one of her soirees. The "cream of really good society" consisted of the fascinating Helen 相关的主题文章:
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