luyued 发布于 2011-06-07 14:52 浏览 N 次N
nail [ne?l] n . 指甲;钉子
national [?n??n?l] adj. connected with a
particular nation; shared by a whole
nation民族的, 国家的, 国立的, 全国
nationality [?n????n?l?ti] n. the legal
right of belonging to a particular nation
nearby [?n???ba?] adj. /adv. near in position; not far away附近的,邻近的
nearly [?n??li ] adv. almost; not quite; not completely差不多,几乎;密切地
neat [ni?t] adj. tidy and in order整洁的;简洁的;利索的;齐整的;平滑的
necessary [?nes?s?ri] adj. that is needed for a
purpose or a reason 必要的
needle [?ni?dl] n. a small thin piece of steel that
you use for sewing针;指针;针状物
negative [?neɡ?t?v] adj. bad or harmful (opposite: positive);
considering only the bad side of
neither [?na???(r)] pron. not one nor the other
of two things or people 两者都不
nephew [?nefju?] n. the son of your brother or
sister; the son of your husband's or wife's
brother or sister 侄子;外甥
network [?netw??k ] n. 网络,(铁路,电线)网,广播网
newsagent [?nju?ze?d??nt] n. a person who
owns or works in a shop selling newspapers
and magazines, and often sweets/candy and
cigarettes 报刊经销商
niece [ni?s] n. the daughter of your brother or
sister; the daughter of your husband's or wife's
brother or sister . 外甥女,侄女
nonsense [?n?nsns] n. spoken or written words
that have no meaning or make no sense. 胡说;
normal [?n??ml ] adj. typical, usual or ordinary.
nowadays [?na??de?z ] adv. at the present
time, in contrast with the past 现今;时下
obvious (adj) [??bvi?s] easy to see or understand 明显的
occasion (n) [??ke??n] a particular time when something happens时机,机会;场合
occupation (n) [??kju?pe??n] a job or profession 职业
omelette (n) [??ml?t] a hot dish of eggs mixed together and fried, often with cheese, meat, vegetables, etc. added 煎蛋卷
opera (n) [??pr?] a dramatic work in which all or most of the words are sung to music; works of this type as an art form or entertainment 歌剧
option (n) [??p?n] something that you can choose to have or do; the freedom to choose what you do 选择权
orchestra (n) [???k?str?] a large group of people who play various musical instruments together, led by a conductor 管选乐队
ordinary (adj) [???d?n?ri] not unusual or different in any way 普通的,平凡的
organisation (n) [???ɡ?na??ze??n] a group of people who form a business, club, etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim 组织
overtake (v) [???v??te?k] to go past a moving vehicle or person ahead of you because you are going faster than they are 超车
owe (v) [??] to have to pay somebody for something that you have already received or return money that you have borrowed 欠钱
permanent (adj) [?p??m?n?nt] lasting for a long time or for all time in the future; existing all the time 永恒的
permission (n) [p??m??n] the act of allowing somebody to do something, especially when this is done by somebody in a position of authority 允许,许可
parcel (n) [?pɑ?sl] something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily, or given as a present 包裹
parliament (n) [?pɑ?l?m?nt] the group of people who are elected to make and change the laws of a country 议会,国会
pasta (n) [?p?st?] an Italian food made from flour, water and sometimes eggs, formed into different shapes and usually served with a sauce. It is hard when dry and soft when cooked. 意大利面食
pastry (n) [?pe?stri] a mixture of flour, fat and water or milk that is rolled out flat and baked as a base or covering for pies, etc. 油酥点心;面粉糕饼
pavement (n)[?pe?vm?nt] a flat part at the side of a road for people to walk on. 人行道
pedestrian (n)[ p??destri?n] a person walking in the street and not travelling in a vehicle. 行人;步行者
penknife (n)[ ?penna?f] a small knife with one or more blades that fold down into the handle. 小刀,袖珍折刀
pension (n)[?pen?n ]an amount of money paid regularly by a government or company to somebody who is considered to be too old or too ill/sick to work退休金,抚恤金;津贴;膳宿费
persuade (v)[ p??swe?d] to make somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it. 说服,劝说
pharmacy (n) [?fɑ?m?si ] a shop/store, or part of one, that sells medicines and drugs. 药房,药剂学
photocopy (n)[ ?f??t??k?pi] a copy of a document, etc. made by the action of light on a specially treated surface. 影印,复印
pile n.[pa?l]a number of things that have been
placed on top of each other 堆,大量
pin n. [pin] 别针,大头针
pipe n. [paip] 管子
plain adj. [plein] 1. easy to see or understand
2. not decorated in any way; with nothing added
platform n. [?pl?tf??m] 月台, 讲台, 平台
plenty pron. [?plenti] enough or more than enough, or a large amount 足够的,很多的
plug n. [pl?ɡ] 塞子, 插头
poem n. [?p???m] 诗
poet n. [?p???t] a person who writes poems 诗人
poetry n. [?p???tri] a collection of poems; poems in general 诗
political adj. [p??l?t?kl] 政治的
politics n. [?p?l?t?ks] 政治,政治学
politician n. [p?l??t??n] 政治家, 政客
pollution n. [p??lu??n] the process of making air, water, soil, etc. dirty; 污染
port n. [p??t] 港口
porter n. ?[p??t?] a person whose job is
carrying people's bags and other loads,
especially at a train station, an airport
or in a hotel
position n. [p??z??n] the place where
something or someone is, often in
relation to other things 位置
positive adj. [?p?z?t?v] hopeful and confident; certain and without any doubt
postage n. [?p??st?d?] the cost of sending a letter, etc. by post 邮资,邮费
pour v. [p??] 到,倾泻
poverty n. [?p?v?ti] the state of being poor 贫困
powder n. [?pa?d?] 粉末,火药
pray v. [pre?] to speak to God, especially to give thanks or ask for help 祈祷
prayer n. [pre?] the words that someone says or thinks when they are praying
preparation n. [?prep??re??] n. the things
that you do or the time that you spend
preparing for something 预备,准备
prepare v. [pr??pe?] to make or get
something or someone ready for
something that will happen in the
prescription n. [pr??skr?p?n] a piece of paper on
which a doctor writes the details of the
medicine or drugs that someone needs
present adj. [?preznt] in a particular place; existing or happening now 出席,现在
n. the period of time which is happening now, not the past or the future; now
prensenter n. [pr??zent?] someone who introduces a television or radio show 主持人
prevent v. [pr??vent] to stop something
from happening or someone from
doing something 阻止
previous adj. [?pri?vi?s] happening or existing before something or someone else
priest n. [pri?st] 教士, 神父
prime minister n. [pra?m] [?m?n?st?] the leader of the government in some countries
principal n. [?pr?ns?pl] 首要的,最终要的
produce v. [pr??dju?s] to make things to be sold, especially in large quantities
product n. [?pr?d?kt] a thing that is grown or produced, usually for sale 生产
profession n. [pr??fe?n] a type of job that
needs special training or skill,
especially one that needs a high level of
education 职业
professional adj. [pr??fe??nl] connected with a
job that needs special training or skill,
especially one that needs a high level of
progress n. [?pr??ɡres] movement to an
improved or more developed state, or
to a forward position 进步, 发展
pronounce v. [pr??na?ns] to make the sound of a word or letter in a particular way
pronunciation n. [pr??n?nsi?e??] n how words are pronounced
proper adj. [?pr?p?] real, satisfactory, suitable or correct 适当的
property n. [?pr?p?ti] a thing or things that
are owned by somebody; a possession
or possessions 财产
protect v. [pr??tekt] to make sure that
somebody/something is not harmed,
injured, damaged, etc 保护
provide v. [pr??va?d] to give someone something that they need 提供
publish v. [?p?bl??] to produce a book,
magazine, CD-ROM, etc. and sell it to
the public 出版
pullover n. [?p?l??v?] a piece of clothing
which is made of a warm material such
as wool, has long sleeves, and is worn
over the top part of the
body and put on by pulling it over your head 套衫
pump n. [p?mp] a machine that is used to
force liquid, gas or air into or out of
something 泵,抽水机;打气筒
punctual adj. [?p??kt?u?l] arriving, doing
something or happening at the
expected, correct time; not late 准时
punish v [?p?n??] to make somebody
suffer because they have broken the law
or done something wrong 惩罚
punishment n. [?p?n??m?nt] an act or a
way of punishing somebody
pure adj. [pj??] not mixed with anything
else; with nothing added
purpose n. [?p??p?s] why you do something
or why something exists目的
on purpose 有目的地,故意地
put away phr v. to put something in the
place or container where it is usually
put down phr v. to write someone's
name on a list or document, usually in
order to include them in an event or
activity 记下
put off phr v. to change something to a later time or date 推迟
put through phr v. to connect somebody by telephone 接通
put up phr v. to raise or increase something 提高
pyjamas n. pl [p??d?ɑ?m?z] a loose jacket and trousers/pants worn in bed 睡衣
qualification [.kw?lifi'kei??n] n.资格, 限制, 资历
qualify ['kw?lifai] vt.使具备资格, 描述, [语]修饰 vi.取得资格, 合格
quality ['kw?liti] n.品质, 才能, 特质
quay [ki:] n. a long structure, usually built of stone, where boats can be tied up to take on and off their goods 码头
questionnaire [.kwest??n'?] n.调查表, 问卷
quit [kwit] v.停止, 离开,退出, 辞职 n.辞职
quiz [kwiz] n.a game or competition in which you answer questions 测验, 问答比赛
v.t to ask someone questions about something对 ... 进行测验
racket ['r?kit] n.球拍
rail[reil] n.栏杆, 扶手, 铁轨
rainforest['rein.f?rist] a forest in a tropical area which receives a lot of rainn. 雨林
raise[reiz] n. 上升, 增高; 高地vt. 升起, 举起, 饲养; 提出, 引起
range[reind?] n. 范围, 行列, 射程, 山脉, 一系列
rank[r??k] n.等级, 阶层, 排, 列 v.排列, 分等级, 列为
rare[re?] adj. not common; very unusual 稀罕的, 稀薄的, 罕见的, 珍贵的
rarely ['re?li] adv.很少, 难得
rather ['rɑ:??] quite; adv.相当, 宁愿, 有点儿
raw[r?:] (of food) not cooked adj.未加工的, 生的, 原始的
razor ['reiz?] n.剃刀
realize ['ri?laiz] to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly v.意识到, 实现, 明白realistic [ri?'listik] adj.现实的, 现实主义的
reason ['ri:zn] the cause of an event or situation or something which provides an excuse or explanation n.原因, 理由, 理智, 理性
reasonable ['ri:zn?bl] adj.合理的, 通情达理的, 公平适度的
receipt [ri'si:t] n.收据, 收条, 收到 v.出收据
recent ['ri:snt] happening or starting from a short time ago adj.近来的, 新近的 reception [r??sep?n] n.接待, 反应, 接待处, 欢迎, 接收, 招待会
recipe ['resipi] n.秘诀, 食谱, 药方
recognise['rek?gnaiz] to know someone or something because you have seen, heard or experienced them before v. 承认, 识别, 认可
recommend [.rek?'mend] vt.推荐, 建议, 劝告, 使受欢迎, 使可取
recover [ri'k?v?] to get back something lost, especially health, ability, possessions, etc
v.恢复, 复原, 重获
recycle [ri:'saikl] vt.再利用, 使再循环, 再制
reduce [ri'dju:s] to make something smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc
v.减少, 缩小, 简化, 还原
refreshment [ri'fre?m?nt] n. 恢复, 精神爽快, 提神之事物
(复数)refreshments:点心, 茶点
refund ['ri:f?nd] n.偿还, 退款 vt.偿还, 退还
refuse ['refju:s,ri'fju:z] to say that you will not do or accept something v.拒绝
regarding [ri'gɑ:di?] prep.关于, 至于
region ['ri:d? ?n] n.地区, 范围, 领域, 地带, 地域
register ['red?ist?] v.登记, 记录, 注册, 挂号 n.登记簿, 记录, 暂存器
registration [.red?i'strei??n]n.注册, 登记, 挂号
regret [ri'gret] v.后悔, 惋惜, 为 ... 感到遗憾 n.遗憾, 抱歉, 后悔
regular ['regjul?] adj.有规律的;定期的, 经常的, 正规的, 整齐的, 规则的
relation [ri'lei??n] n.关系, 联系, 亲戚, 陈述, 参考
relative ['rel?tiv]adj.相对的, 比较的, 相关的 n.亲戚, [语]关系词
relax [ri'l?ks]v.休息, 放松, 使 ... 放松, 放宽
reliable [ri'lai?bl]adj.可靠的, 可信的
religion [ri'lid??n] n.宗教, 宗教信仰
remain [ri'mein] to stay in the same place or in the same condition v.剩余, 逗留, 留下, 依然, 保持
remove [ri'mu:v] v.消除, 脱掉, 免除, 搬迁
replace [ri'pleis] vt.取代, 替换, 放回原处, 偿还
reply [ri'plai] to answer v.回答, 答复, 回应
request [ri'kwest] n.请求, 要求 vt.请求, 要求
require [ri'kwai?] to need or make necessary v.要求, 需要, 命令, 规定
rescue ['reskju:]vt.营救, 援救 n.营救, 救援
research [ri's?:t?]n.研究, 调查 v.调查, 研究, 探讨
reservation [.rez?'vei? ?n]n.预定, 保留意见
responsible [ri'sp?ns?bl]adj.有责任的, 负责的,责任重大的, 可靠的
revise [ri'vaiz]n. 校订, 修正, 再校稿v. 校订, 修正, 校正
reward [ri'w?:d]something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc
n.报答, 赏金, 报酬 vt.奖赏, 给 ... 报酬
rob[r?b]v.抢劫, 掠夺
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