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名作精译 《人间天堂-杭州》

luyued 发布于 2011-06-07 01:24   浏览 N 次  

Hang Zhou-------Paradise on Earth


一, Addition


1, 七百年前,意大利旅行家马克·波罗曾称誉它是“世界上最美丽华贵之城”。

About 700 years ago, Marco Polo, perhaps the most celebrated Italian traveler, called it “the finest and most magnificent city in the world.”

In the Chinese version, the subject “Marco Polo” is not modified, but in the English, “perhaps the most celebrated” is used to modify it. This can be called addition.

2, 三潭印月,湖心亭,阮公墩三个小岛鼎立湖中。

The three islets named “Three Pools Mirroring the Moon”, “the Mid-Lake Pavilion ” and the “Ruan Gong Mound” stand in the lake, adding much charm to the scene.

In this sentence, “adding much charm to the scene” is added, so it is addition.

3, 溯钱塘江而上,有富阳鹳山,桐庐姚琳仙境,同君山,严子陵钓台,建德灵栖三洞,新安江“千岛湖” 等名胜,形成一个以西湖为中心的广阔旅游区。

Going up the Qiantang River one finds oneself at Stork Hill near the Terrace where Yan Ziling, a hermit of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), loved to go fishing by the Fu Chun River in the Fu Yang city….

In this sentence, “a hermit of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220)” is added to modify the YanZiling.

4, In the third paragraph from the back, the first sentence in the translation, “Above the Qiantang River,……” this is also the use of addition.

二, Substitution:


1, 湖上有彩带似的苏堤,白堤飘落其上。

The Su Causeway which runs from north to south and the Bai Causeway from east to west look like two colored ribbons floating on the water.

In this sentence, “floating on the water”, “water” is used to replace “river”. It is the use of substitution.

2, 其特点是用鲜活材料制成,保持原汁原味,美味可口。

With fresh vegetables and live fowl or fish as ingredients, one can savor the dishes for their natural flavor.

In this sentence, substation is also used like “With fresh vegetables and live fowl or fish as ingredients”, it used to replace “鲜活材料”, so we can see substation in it.
