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Regency fashion inspiration_2550

luyued 发布于 2011-06-04 17:32   浏览 N 次  

Heavily slanted towards classical revivalism, the editorial features fashion from the likes of Tom Ford and Thom Browne. You be able to see more of it by clicking the thumbnails below.

Spotted over at Contributing Editor(welcome to our website!).

Regency fashion inspiration

A perfect tie-in with this year's Regency revival men's hair trend comes Our Swords, an editorial by photographer Cameron Krone(welcome to our website!).

Vibram FiveFingers footwear is a product of innovative design to promote better foot mechanics naturally. The Nike Air Max shoe uses a large air cushioning unit at the heel which is visible from the side of the midsole in most models. The North Face became a well-known brand and its popularity, especially among youth and college students, increased substantially.
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