luyued 发布于 2011-06-04 16:38 浏览 N 次Readers' writing competition: Action and activities
For most of us, swimming on holiday means a dip in the pool, but this summer Sarah Taylor set out to swim the English Channel
Channel vision
I've never really been one for relaxing on holiday, but maybe my last activity holiday was taking things a bit far.
All children have a dream — climbing Everest, being a professional footballer, prime minister ... Well, since I was a child, my dream was swimming the English Channel. A few years ago, on a SwimTrek holiday, I was encouraged to make my dream a reality. I contacted the Channel Swimming and Piloting Federation, booked my accredited pilot, Neil Streeter, and my slot, and started training in Dover. Here I was welcomed by the most altruistic, generous and kind group of people, who gave up every weekend from May to October to encourage, feed and mentor us Channel aspirants.
I spent every weekend training in Dover harbour with an international group, building up from 40 minutes in 9C water in May, to six- and seven-hour swims from June. I stayed at the Sandown Guest House (sandownguesthouse.com) which caters for Channel swimmers.
At 3am on 2 August I set off from Samphire Hoe. The sea was rough, but forecast to calm down. I had learnt from my training to enjoy the moment and not even think about the time. The swim was completely exhilarating. Dawn broke as I entered the shipping lanes. Swimming in the vast sea, with huge ships around me, feeling safe with my fantastic support team watching out for me, was magical. I felt strong and was in my element.
After about 12 hours the atmosphere changed. I was being swept north, away from the French coast, by the strong tidal current. I dug deep and sprinted for the next 90 minutes, drawing on all my hard training.
At last I broke through the tide but I was exhausted. I recalled reports of swimmers pulled out at this point. I was close to the coast but not there yet. My mind was still clear but my body was so tired. My support crew were fantastic, shouting encouragement non-stop. I looked desperately toward the beach, willing it to get nearer. Eventually I felt sand beneath my feet and realised that I had made it. This was the French beach and all I had to do was walk up it. A French couple, out for a stroll, cheered me in, but all I could manage in response was a wan smile as I tried to stand up proudly as a Channel Swimmer: Sarah Taylor, England to France 2 August 2010; time 16 hours and 49 minutes.
SwimTrek Swimming Adventure Holidays (swimtrek.com). English Channel Swimming and Piloting Federation (channelswimming.net)
Sarah lives in King's Lynn
The judge: Guardian travel writer Kevin Rushby said: "I like its simplicity and how in a few words she conveys what it's like to do the Channel."
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