Notes on Method in Translation History (5-Frequencies)
luyued 发布于 2011-06-04 09:38 浏览 N 次Pym, Anthony.(1998).
The ideological and abuse of statistics is notorious. Much depends on small evaluative phrases like ‘only 30%’ or ‘as much as 30%’, which suggests the percentage is significant with respect to a usually unexplained expectation. … In the entire range of cases, from the most apparently objective through the most apparently subjective, the selected tendency relates the otherwise insignificant ‘30%’ to a question off underlying importance. A statistic is only significant with respect to a question of importance. If no relation is in evidence, the statistic is a mere number.
Be careful of statistics. Ask what the numbers really represent. Are they reasonable in terms of prosaic thought?
[Implication: a distribution curve shall enable the results to be manifested clearly and more convincingly.]
Whereas re-edition would tend to reinforce the validity of the previous translation, retranslation strong challenges that validity, introducing a marked negativity into the relationship at the same time as it affirms the desire to bring a particular text closer. Because of this negativity mixed with crosscultural movement, active retranslations are a particularly subtle index of historical importance.
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