luyued 发布于 2011-06-03 14:28 浏览 N 次
每个位图都会基于如上的定义而天生一个enumerated ID。The IDs are generated into the mbg file in system's include path(epoc32\include). 这里位图可以通过给定的ID从mbm中进行访问。每个ID数值都四自动创建的,并拥有如下格式:
#include // generated on compilation
#include // for CompleteWithAppPath()
CFbsBitmap* CMyGameView::LoadMyBitmapL()
// set the name of the multi-bitmap file containing the bitmaps
TFileName mbmFileName(KMBMFileName);
// load the bitmap from the mbm file
CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
// EMbmMygameImage1 is enumerated value from MyGame.mbg file
User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Load(mbmFileName, EMbmMygameImage1));
CleanupStack::Pop(); // bitmap
return bitmap;
void CMyGameView::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
//Get the system graphics context
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
//Draw the bitmap
gc.BitBlt(TPoint(10, 10), iMyShipBitmap);
void CMyGameView::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
// Get the system graphics context
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
// Draw masked bitmap
gc.BitBltMasked( TPoint(10, 10), iMyShipBitmap, iMyShipRect, iMyShipMask, EFalse);
CFbsBitmap* CMyGameView::LoadAndConvertBitmapL(Const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aBitmapId )
// Load the original bitmap
CFbsBitmap* originalBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
CleanupStack::PushL( originalBitmap );
User::LeaveIfError( originalBitmap->Load( aFileName, aBitmapId, EFalse ) );
// Create a new bitmap, graphics device and context
CFbsBitmap* newBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
CleanupStack::PushL( newBitmap );
newBitmap->Create( originalBitmap->SizeInPixels(), Window()->DisplayMode() );
CFbsBitmapDevice* graphicsDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( newBitmap );
CleanupStack::PushL( graphicsDevice );
CFbsBitGc* graphicsContext;
User::LeaveIfError( graphicsDevice->CreateContext( graphicsContext ) );
// Blit the loaded bitmap to the new bitmap (the actual
// conversion)
bitmapContext->BitBlt( TPoint(0,0), originalBitmap );
delete bitmapContext;
delete bitmapDevice;
delete originalBitmap;
return newBitmap;
上面的代码表示装进一个适当的位图(从MBM文件中),梦幻龙族新手卡然后转化这个位图到window 显示模式,假如做的那,就是天生一个新的位图而将装进的那个传输到它上面。
位图还可以在运行时旋转和缩放处理,it is usually more practical to scale and rotate a single bitmap at runtime than to use multiple bitmaps with different rotation and scaling (for example, a ship sprite, which rotates 360 degrees):
Series60 2.0平台向后,应该使用CbitmapRotator和CbitmapScaler来替换。
The methods are asynchronous by nature and neeed an observer class inherited from MMdaImageUtilObserver in order to be notified when the operation is completed.
假如提供的位图治理功能还不够,你可以使用Graphics API直接修改位图(see the previous LoadAndConvertBitmapL method for creating graphics context for a bitmap),假如速度是个很重要的因素,那可以通过指针直接访问位图数据,从而修改它。
在直接访问位图数据前,必须留意数据的格式,举例,16-bit的位图中,每个pixel是5-6-5格式(red bits - green bits - blue bits),而12-bit位图中则为4-4-4格式。
下面的代码演示了一个简单的效果,它增加了每个象素的red color部分(这是在16-bit位图里)
void CMyGameView::DoMyBitmapEffect(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
// Lock heap
// For series 60 2.0 use:
// aBitmap->LockHeap();
// For series 60 1.0 use:
TBitmapUtil bitmapUtil(aBitmap);
bitmapUtil.Begin( TPoint(0,0) );
// Edit bitmap
TSize bitmapSize = aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
// NOTE: TUint16* applies to 16bit bitmaps only; the pointer must
// correspond the bit depth of the bitmap.
TUint16* bitmapData = (TUint16*)aBitmap->DataAddress();
for ( TInt y = 0; y < bitmapSize.iHeight; y++ );
for ( TInt x = 0; x < bitmapSize.iWidth; x++ )
// Increase colour value of each pixel by one
*bitmapData = ( *bitmapData & 31 ) | // blue
( ( *bitmapData >> 5 ) & 63 ) | // green
( ( *bitmapData >> 11 ) & 31 + 1 ); // red这样才能单独为red进行操纵:)
// Unlock heap
// For series 60 1.0 use:
// For series 60 2.0 use:
// aBitmap->UnlockHeap();
6.5 Sprites
一个sprite是一个masked bitmap,或多个位图,可以在背景或其他sprites上移动, preferably without applictions having to redraw completely the underlying window.
你可以通过使用位图,以及时间器来构造你的sprite classes。此外SymbianOS还包括一个ready-made RWsSprite类,它可以提供sprite的自动重绘和动画。
1、Create a new RwsSprite.
2、Create as many TSpriteMembers as needed and append them to sprite.
3、Active the sprite.
(1)The bitmap for the sprite member (iBitmap).
(2)The mask for the bitmap (iMaskBitmap). Set to NULL if no mask is used.
(3)Whether or not the mask is inverted (iInvertMask). Set to EFalse, if transparent color is black.
(4)Offset to define the sprite’s center (iOffset).
(5)How long the member is visible before displaying the next member (iInterval).
(6)Drawing mode (iDrawMode; used only when mask is not used).
// .h
RWsSprite iMySprite;
TSpriteMember iMySpriteMembers[7];
// .cpp
void CMyGameAppView::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
// The mbm contains:
// SpriteImage1.bmp
// * Every second image is a mask.
// SpriteImage1Mask.bmp
// . . .
_LIT(KMySpriteMBM, "MySprite.mbm");
TFileName mbmFileName(KMySpriteMBM);
// Construct my sprite
iMySprite = RWsSprite( CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession() );
User::LeaveIfError( iMySprite.Construct( Window(), TPoint(0,0), 0 ) );
// Load bitmaps (image+mask) and set properties for each member;
// 7 members in total (7 images + 7 masks)
for ( TInt i = 0; i < 7; i ++ )
// Load image
iMySpriteMembers[i].iBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
User::LeaveIfError( iMySpriteMembers[i].iBitmap->Load( mbmFileName, i * 2, EFalse ) );
// Load mask for the image
iMySpriteMembers[i].iMaskBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
User::LeaveIfError( iMySpriteMembers[i].iMaskBitmap->Load( mbmFileName, i * 2 + 1, EFalse ) );
// Set properties for the member
iMySpriteMembers[i].iInvertMask = EFalse;
iMySpriteMembers[i].iOffset = TPoint(0,0);
// Change image every 1/10 seconds
iMySpriteMembers[i].iInterval = TimeIntervalMicroSeconds32();
// Append created member to sprite
User::LeaveIfError( iMySprite.AppendMember( iMySpriteMembers[i] ) );
// All members added. Activate the sprite; the sprite will be
// drawn/animated continuously to view until sprite is destroyed
// with iMySprite.Close()
void CMyGameAppView::MoveMySpriteTo(const TPoint& aPos)
有时候需要改变位图的内容,since the images in each member are just plain bitmaps(CFbsBitmap) and only the handles of the bitmaps are sent to the window server(the ownership of the bitmaps does not change when adding members), the contents of the bitmaps can be changed andtime-just modify the iBitmap and iMaskBitmap of the member. After modifying the bitmaps you can call iMySprite.UpdateMember(index) to immediately apply the changes (the method redraws the sprite), otherwise the new outlook of the sprite is not visible until it is redrawn later.
留意你不能使用上述的方法改变一个位图的大小,假如需要的话,你必须天生一个新的TSpriteMember并且用UpdateMember(TInt aIndex, const TSpriteMember& aMemberData)来换掉那个现存的。
6.6 Animation and Video Clips
S60 platform2.0提供了一个简单的API来播放video clips, 它可以被用来显示短的视频,如一个游戏的intro。重放是个很繁重的任务(这得看视频的格式了),因此在游戏中使用视频也许并不十分可行。同样,有限的存储空间也不容许我们这样做起,因此尽可能的避免使用视频。
6.7 Double Buffering
在游戏的图形中包括了多个可移动的对象,它们需要频繁的更新。window server的客户端buffer可能会被填满,因此在所有对象都被更新前就可能发生刷新。对用户来说,就会产生闪烁的现象等。解决的方法就是用双缓冲,先将图形放到off-screen位图中,然后再将他们输出到屏幕。特别是游戏,一秒内要重绘屏幕数遍,更是需要这样一个off-screen位图。
1、天生一个新的位图,假如有很对象要放到back buffer上时,它们的color depth最好是一致,这样可以避免花费时间在相互之间转换。
2、为这个back buffer bitmap天生一个位图device和graphics context。
3、每次要更新屏幕时,要将graphics画到back buffer中往,当绘制完成后,就要调用view的DrawNow or DrawDeferred,这里后者是比较安全的方法。
4、在view的Draw中,要处理的就是把back buffer bimap传输到view(font buffer)中。
void CMyGameView::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
// Create a new bitmap with size of view’s rect and color depth of
// screen
TDisplayMode displayMode = CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->DisplayMode();
iBackBufferBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
User::LeaveIfError(iBackBufferBitmap->Create(Rect() .Size(), displayMode));
// Create bitmap device for the bitmap
iBackBufferDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iBackBufferBitmap);
// Create graphics context for the bitmap
User::LeaveIfError(iBackBufferDevice.CreateContext (iBackBufferGc));
delete iBackBufferGc;
delete iBackBufferDevice;
delete iBackBufferBitmap;
// Called by e.g. timer to update the screen periodically.
// Here all the necessary drawing is done to backbuffer.
void CMyGameView::UpdateDisplay()
// Draw some background
iBackBufferGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0, 0), iMyBackgroundBitmap);
// Draw something else here onto backbuffer
// When drawing to backbuffer is done, update the view
void CMyGameView::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
// Just draw the backbuffer to view
gc.BitBlt(Rect().iTl, iBackBufferBitmap);
6.8 Direct Draw
Drawing onto the screen using the window server requires a context switch, which slows down drawing speed. 要绕开window server,就要摆脱掉context switch,应用程序可以直接访问屏幕,这被称为direct drawing:
1、Creating and using CFbsScreenDevice.
CFbsScreenDevice是一个graphics device,战歌序列号可以直接寻址到一个screen driver,SCDV.DLL,在为其天生一个CFbsBitGc后,就可以象其他的graphics device一样使用了。不管怎么说这里可以避开window server直接操纵到屏幕上。
void CMyGameView::FillScreenDirectly() const
TPckgBuf infoPckg;
TScreenInfoV01& screenInfo = infoPckg();
TUint16* screenMemory = (TUint16*) screenInfo.iScreenAddress + 16;
for(TInt y = 0; y < screenInfo.iScreenSize.iHeight; y++)
for(TInt x = 0; x < screenInfo.iScreenSize.iWidth; x++)
*screenMemory++ = 0;
上面将的屏幕内存地址只有在目标机器才是有效的,因此绘制代码在硬件和模拟器上都是不同的,You can solve this problem by using a temporary bitmap and its data address when running the application on the emulator, and directly accessing the screen when running the application on the device.
void CMyGameView::MyDrawing()
#ifdef __WINS__
// Draw to bitmap
TUint16* myScreenPointer = iMyBitmap.DataAddress();
#else // Hardware environment
// Draw directly to the screen memory
TUint16* myScreenPointer = GetMyScreenAddress();
使用direct draw的一个常见题目上一,window server不参与绘制后,导致它不能在其他窗口或窗口组到达前台时通知该应用程序,尽管应用程序会在失往焦点后得到一个时间,但并不能立即停止direct drawing,屏幕因此会变得混乱。如当一个电话接进来时。
SymbianOS提供了CDirectScreenAccess,它提供了一个安全但仍很快速的方法来直接访问屏幕。当使用CDirectScreenAccess时,它处理了和window server的通讯,通过callback inte***ce我们可以接到两个notifications:
MDirectScreenAccess::Restart:在已经安全的重续direct screen drawing时被调用。
下列代码演示了一个CDirectScreenAccess的操纵,and how the direct draw support is activated:
// Inherited from MDirectScreenAccess
void CMyGameView::Restart(RDirectScreenAccess::TTermina tionReasons aReason)
// Usually just restart direct screen accessing
TRAPD(err, iMyDrawer->StartL());
if(err != KErrNone)
// Error; cannot restart
// Inherited from MDirectScreenAccess; called when it’s needed to
// abort direct screen access immediately
void CMyGameView::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTermin ationReasons aReason)
// Stop direct screen access immediately
// e.g. dialog has become visible on screen
// Construct CDirectScreenAccess
void CHelloWorldBasicAppView::CreateMyDrawerL()
delete iMyDrawer;
iMyDrawer = NULL;
iMyDrawer = CDirectScreenAccess::NewL( iEikonEnv->WsSession(), *iEikonEnv->ScreenDevice(), Window(), *this);
// Draw backbuffer bitmap to screen using CDirectScreenAccess
void CMyGameView::DisplayBackBuffer() const
iMyDrawer->Gc()->BitBlt( TPoint(0,0), iMyBackBuffer );
在我们调用CDirectScreenAccess::StartL来激活direct draw support时,the client side window server buffer should be flushed. 要让屏幕自动的更新,我们需要调用screen device的SetAutoUpdate方法(给予ETrure参数),当direct draw激活后CDirectScreenAccess就天生了CFbsBitGc,应用程序可以使用它来绘制到屏幕上。
当另一个窗口被带到前台时,CDirectScreenAccess就会从window server得到一个事件来终止绘制,CDirectScreenAccess会调用从MDirectScreenAccess继续的AbortNow方法,应用程序可以重载它以终止绘制。为了防止屏幕变得紊略冬window server在abort drawing事件得到处理前不会往绘制重叠的窗口。
from: 326.html
#include // for CompleteWithAppPath()
CFbsBitmap* CMyGameView::LoadMyBitmapL()
// set the name of the multi-bitmap file containing the bitmaps
TFileName mbmFileName(KMBMFileName);
// load the bitmap from the mbm file
CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
// EMbmMygameImage1 is enumerated value from MyGame.mbg file
User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Load(mbmFileName, EMbmMygameImage1));
CleanupStack::Pop(); // bitmap
return bitmap;
void CMyGameView::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
//Get the system graphics context
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
//Draw the bitmap
gc.BitBlt(TPoint(10, 10), iMyShipBitmap);
void CMyGameView::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
// Get the system graphics context
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
// Draw masked bitmap
gc.BitBltMasked( TPoint(10, 10), iMyShipBitmap, iMyShipRect, iMyShipMask, EFalse);
CFbsBitmap* CMyGameView::LoadAndConvertBitmapL(Const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aBitmapId )
// Load the original bitmap
CFbsBitmap* originalBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
CleanupStack::PushL( originalBitmap );
User::LeaveIfError( originalBitmap->Load( aFileName, aBitmapId, EFalse ) );
// Create a new bitmap, graphics device and context
CFbsBitmap* newBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
CleanupStack::PushL( newBitmap );
newBitmap->Create( originalBitmap->SizeInPixels(), Window()->DisplayMode() );
CFbsBitmapDevice* graphicsDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( newBitmap );
CleanupStack::PushL( graphicsDevice );
CFbsBitGc* graphicsContext;
User::LeaveIfError( graphicsDevice->CreateContext( graphicsContext ) );
// Blit the loaded bitmap to the new bitmap (the actual
// conversion)
bitmapContext->BitBlt( TPoint(0,0), originalBitmap );
delete bitmapContext;
delete bitmapDevice;
delete originalBitmap;
return newBitmap;
上面的代码表示装进一个适当的位图(从MBM文件中),梦幻龙族新手卡然后转化这个位图到window 显示模式,假如做的那,就是天生一个新的位图而将装进的那个传输到它上面。
位图还可以在运行时旋转和缩放处理,it is usually more practical to scale and rotate a single bitmap at runtime than to use multiple bitmaps with different rotation and scaling (for example, a ship sprite, which rotates 360 degrees):
Series60 2.0平台向后,应该使用CbitmapRotator和CbitmapScaler来替换。
The methods are asynchronous by nature and neeed an observer class inherited from MMdaImageUtilObserver in order to be notified when the operation is completed.
假如提供的位图治理功能还不够,你可以使用Graphics API直接修改位图(see the previous LoadAndConvertBitmapL method for creating graphics context for a bitmap),假如速度是个很重要的因素,那可以通过指针直接访问位图数据,从而修改它。
在直接访问位图数据前,必须留意数据的格式,举例,16-bit的位图中,每个pixel是5-6-5格式(red bits - green bits - blue bits),而12-bit位图中则为4-4-4格式。
下面的代码演示了一个简单的效果,它增加了每个象素的red color部分(这是在16-bit位图里)
void CMyGameView::DoMyBitmapEffect(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
// Lock heap
// For series 60 2.0 use:
// aBitmap->LockHeap();
// For series 60 1.0 use:
TBitmapUtil bitmapUtil(aBitmap);
bitmapUtil.Begin( TPoint(0,0) );
// Edit bitmap
TSize bitmapSize = aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
// NOTE: TUint16* applies to 16bit bitmaps only; the pointer must
// correspond the bit depth of the bitmap.
TUint16* bitmapData = (TUint16*)aBitmap->DataAddress();
for ( TInt y = 0; y < bitmapSize.iHeight; y++ );
for ( TInt x = 0; x < bitmapSize.iWidth; x++ )
// Increase colour value of each pixel by one
*bitmapData = ( *bitmapData & 31 ) | // blue
( ( *bitmapData >> 5 ) & 63 ) | // green
( ( *bitmapData >> 11 ) & 31 + 1 ); // red这样才能单独为red进行操纵:)
// Unlock heap
// For series 60 1.0 use:
// For series 60 2.0 use:
// aBitmap->UnlockHeap();
6.5 Sprites
一个sprite是一个masked bitmap,或多个位图,可以在背景或其他sprites上移动, preferably without applictions having to redraw completely the underlying window.
你可以通过使用位图,以及时间器来构造你的sprite classes。此外SymbianOS还包括一个ready-made RWsSprite类,它可以提供sprite的自动重绘和动画。
1、Create a new RwsSprite.
2、Create as many TSpriteMembers as needed and append them to sprite.
3、Active the sprite.
(1)The bitmap for the sprite member (iBitmap).
(2)The mask for the bitmap (iMaskBitmap). Set to NULL if no mask is used.
(3)Whether or not the mask is inverted (iInvertMask). Set to EFalse, if transparent color is black.
(4)Offset to define the sprite’s center (iOffset).
(5)How long the member is visible before displaying the next member (iInterval).
(6)Drawing mode (iDrawMode; used only when mask is not used).
// .h
RWsSprite iMySprite;
TSpriteMember iMySpriteMembers[7];
// .cpp
void CMyGameAppView::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
// The mbm contains:
// SpriteImage1.bmp
// * Every second image is a mask.
// SpriteImage1Mask.bmp
// . . .
_LIT(KMySpriteMBM, "MySprite.mbm");
TFileName mbmFileName(KMySpriteMBM);
// Construct my sprite
iMySprite = RWsSprite( CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession() );
User::LeaveIfError( iMySprite.Construct( Window(), TPoint(0,0), 0 ) );
// Load bitmaps (image+mask) and set properties for each member;
// 7 members in total (7 images + 7 masks)
for ( TInt i = 0; i < 7; i ++ )
// Load image
iMySpriteMembers[i].iBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
User::LeaveIfError( iMySpriteMembers[i].iBitmap->Load( mbmFileName, i * 2, EFalse ) );
// Load mask for the image
iMySpriteMembers[i].iMaskBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
User::LeaveIfError( iMySpriteMembers[i].iMaskBitmap->Load( mbmFileName, i * 2 + 1, EFalse ) );
// Set properties for the member
iMySpriteMembers[i].iInvertMask = EFalse;
iMySpriteMembers[i].iOffset = TPoint(0,0);
// Change image every 1/10 seconds
iMySpriteMembers[i].iInterval = TimeIntervalMicroSeconds32();
// Append created member to sprite
User::LeaveIfError( iMySprite.AppendMember( iMySpriteMembers[i] ) );
// All members added. Activate the sprite; the sprite will be
// drawn/animated continuously to view until sprite is destroyed
// with iMySprite.Close()
void CMyGameAppView::MoveMySpriteTo(const TPoint& aPos)
有时候需要改变位图的内容,since the images in each member are just plain bitmaps(CFbsBitmap) and only the handles of the bitmaps are sent to the window server(the ownership of the bitmaps does not change when adding members), the contents of the bitmaps can be changed andtime-just modify the iBitmap and iMaskBitmap of the member. After modifying the bitmaps you can call iMySprite.UpdateMember(index) to immediately apply the changes (the method redraws the sprite), otherwise the new outlook of the sprite is not visible until it is redrawn later.
留意你不能使用上述的方法改变一个位图的大小,假如需要的话,你必须天生一个新的TSpriteMember并且用UpdateMember(TInt aIndex, const TSpriteMember& aMemberData)来换掉那个现存的。
6.6 Animation and Video Clips
S60 platform2.0提供了一个简单的API来播放video clips, 它可以被用来显示短的视频,如一个游戏的intro。重放是个很繁重的任务(这得看视频的格式了),因此在游戏中使用视频也许并不十分可行。同样,有限的存储空间也不容许我们这样做起,因此尽可能的避免使用视频。
6.7 Double Buffering
在游戏的图形中包括了多个可移动的对象,它们需要频繁的更新。window server的客户端buffer可能会被填满,因此在所有对象都被更新前就可能发生刷新。对用户来说,就会产生闪烁的现象等。解决的方法就是用双缓冲,先将图形放到off-screen位图中,然后再将他们输出到屏幕。特别是游戏,一秒内要重绘屏幕数遍,更是需要这样一个off-screen位图。
1、天生一个新的位图,假如有很对象要放到back buffer上时,它们的color depth最好是一致,这样可以避免花费时间在相互之间转换。
2、为这个back buffer bitmap天生一个位图device和graphics context。
3、每次要更新屏幕时,要将graphics画到back buffer中往,当绘制完成后,就要调用view的DrawNow or DrawDeferred,这里后者是比较安全的方法。
4、在view的Draw中,要处理的就是把back buffer bimap传输到view(font buffer)中。
void CMyGameView::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
// Create a new bitmap with size of view’s rect and color depth of
// screen
TDisplayMode displayMode = CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->DisplayMode();
iBackBufferBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
User::LeaveIfError(iBackBufferBitmap->Create(Rect() .Size(), displayMode));
// Create bitmap device for the bitmap
iBackBufferDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iBackBufferBitmap);
// Create graphics context for the bitmap
User::LeaveIfError(iBackBufferDevice.CreateContext (iBackBufferGc));
delete iBackBufferGc;
delete iBackBufferDevice;
delete iBackBufferBitmap;
// Called by e.g. timer to update the screen periodically.
// Here all the necessary drawing is done to backbuffer.
void CMyGameView::UpdateDisplay()
// Draw some background
iBackBufferGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0, 0), iMyBackgroundBitmap);
// Draw something else here onto backbuffer
// When drawing to backbuffer is done, update the view
void CMyGameView::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
// Just draw the backbuffer to view
gc.BitBlt(Rect().iTl, iBackBufferBitmap);
6.8 Direct Draw
Drawing onto the screen using the window server requires a context switch, which slows down drawing speed. 要绕开window server,就要摆脱掉context switch,应用程序可以直接访问屏幕,这被称为direct drawing:
1、Creating and using CFbsScreenDevice.
CFbsScreenDevice是一个graphics device,战歌序列号可以直接寻址到一个screen driver,SCDV.DLL,在为其天生一个CFbsBitGc后,就可以象其他的graphics device一样使用了。不管怎么说这里可以避开window server直接操纵到屏幕上。
void CMyGameView::FillScreenDirectly() const
TScreenInfoV01& screenInfo = infoPckg();
TUint16* screenMemory = (TUint16*) screenInfo.iScreenAddress + 16;
for(TInt y = 0; y < screenInfo.iScreenSize.iHeight; y++)
for(TInt x = 0; x < screenInfo.iScreenSize.iWidth; x++)
*screenMemory++ = 0;
上面将的屏幕内存地址只有在目标机器才是有效的,因此绘制代码在硬件和模拟器上都是不同的,You can solve this problem by using a temporary bitmap and its data address when running the application on the emulator, and directly accessing the screen when running the application on the device.
void CMyGameView::MyDrawing()
#ifdef __WINS__
// Draw to bitmap
TUint16* myScreenPointer = iMyBitmap.DataAddress();
#else // Hardware environment
// Draw directly to the screen memory
TUint16* myScreenPointer = GetMyScreenAddress();
使用direct draw的一个常见题目上一,window server不参与绘制后,导致它不能在其他窗口或窗口组到达前台时通知该应用程序,尽管应用程序会在失往焦点后得到一个时间,但并不能立即停止direct drawing,屏幕因此会变得混乱。如当一个电话接进来时。
SymbianOS提供了CDirectScreenAccess,它提供了一个安全但仍很快速的方法来直接访问屏幕。当使用CDirectScreenAccess时,它处理了和window server的通讯,通过callback inte***ce我们可以接到两个notifications:
MDirectScreenAccess::Restart:在已经安全的重续direct screen drawing时被调用。
下列代码演示了一个CDirectScreenAccess的操纵,and how the direct draw support is activated:
// Inherited from MDirectScreenAccess
void CMyGameView::Restart(RDirectScreenAccess::TTermina tionReasons aReason)
// Usually just restart direct screen accessing
TRAPD(err, iMyDrawer->StartL());
if(err != KErrNone)
// Error; cannot restart
// Inherited from MDirectScreenAccess; called when it’s needed to
// abort direct screen access immediately
void CMyGameView::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTermin ationReasons aReason)
// Stop direct screen access immediately
// e.g. dialog has become visible on screen
// Construct CDirectScreenAccess
void CHelloWorldBasicAppView::CreateMyDrawerL()
delete iMyDrawer;
iMyDrawer = NULL;
iMyDrawer = CDirectScreenAccess::NewL( iEikonEnv->WsSession(), *iEikonEnv->ScreenDevice(), Window(), *this);
// Draw backbuffer bitmap to screen using CDirectScreenAccess
void CMyGameView::DisplayBackBuffer() const
iMyDrawer->Gc()->BitBlt( TPoint(0,0), iMyBackBuffer );
在我们调用CDirectScreenAccess::StartL来激活direct draw support时,the client side window server buffer should be flushed. 要让屏幕自动的更新,我们需要调用screen device的SetAutoUpdate方法(给予ETrure参数),当direct draw激活后CDirectScreenAccess就天生了CFbsBitGc,应用程序可以使用它来绘制到屏幕上。
当另一个窗口被带到前台时,CDirectScreenAccess就会从window server得到一个事件来终止绘制,CDirectScreenAccess会调用从MDirectScreenAccess继续的AbortNow方法,应用程序可以重载它以终止绘制。为了防止屏幕变得紊略冬window server在abort drawing事件得到处理前不会往绘制重叠的窗口。
from: 326.html
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