luyued 发布于 2011-06-02 09:50 浏览 N 次这本书是去年9月引进的,大概两月后能出版。那时先是用磕磕巴巴的英文和
A Mirror in the Roadway: Literature and the Real World, by Morris Dickstein
Preface to the Chinese Edition, 2008
I’m very pleased that A Mirror in the Roadway is coming out in China, where an earlier work of mine on the 1960s, Gates of Eden, received a warm welcome. I have always felt that the best vehicle for literary criticism is the essay - tentative, terse, and suggestive - rather than the full-length work, which tries to spell everything out. A Mirror in the Roadway collects essays of mine on many subjects, especially on fiction, many of which reflect a recent revival of interest in literary realism. This was a technique long associated with the best novels of the nineteenth century, especially in France, England, and Russia. Many critics felt it had never fully taken hold in America, where the major novels were all seen as “romances.” This is a viewpoint this book tries to dispel, stressing the importance of realistic writers and keen social critics like William Dean Howells, Theodore Dreiser, Stephen Crane, Upton Sinclair, Sinclair Lewis, Willa Cather, and Edith Wharton.
During the heyday of modernist writing in the first half of the twentieth century, realism was considered an outmoded and cumbersome way of linking art to social reality. Its technique was seen as a mechanical reflection of social surfaces, social facts, and institutions. In the important work of Proust, Joyce, and Virginia Woolf, the energies of art were expended in developing new methods, such as stream of consciousness, to explore how individuals perceived their world. This paralleled the psychological investigations of Freud, especially his explorations of the unconscious mind, and the interest in relativity among scientists and social scientists. Philosophers too probed the limits of objectivity, just as painters like Picasso used seeming distortions to fragment and reconstitute the received vision of the known world.
But the skepticism of philosophers, especially the American pragmatists such as William James and John Dewey, and the experimental work of artists and writers never challenged the connection between individuals and the world that shaped and conditioned their lives. It would be foolish to think that modern writers and painters, by turning away from the conventions of realism, had also turned their back on the real world. It would hard for us to develop any vital interest in art that did not reflect the complex world around us and within us, though it may do so in a dizzying variety of ways. Understanding this has helped us recover writers and artists who did work within realistic conventions. In American painting, for example, as the dominance of modernism has ebbed, we have been better able to appreciate the styles of Winslow Homer and Thomas Eakins, along with a perennial favorite, Edward Hopper, painters whose realism does not keep their work from being deep and haunting. Above all, we have been able to appreciate the continuities between different phases of nineteenth and twentieth century art and literature.
One special value of realistic writing can be found its close attention to momentous social changes, including large-scale immigration, the shift of populations from the country to the city, the growth of class differences along with a new social mobility, the spread of democracy and individualism, many major advances of technology, far-reaching changes in manners and morals, and the vast economic modernization of society. Literature enables us to grasp these developments not as abstract and bloodless social trends but as upheavals that have deep consequences in the lives of individuals and their relationships with those around them. China is one of the world’s oldest nations but it is relatively new to modernization compared to Europe and the United States. I hope Chinese readers and students will enjoy the writers they encounter in these pages. But I trust they will also find reflections of their own struggles with modernization in these discussions of how writers in other countries, especially the United States, grappled with similar problems.
Morris Dickstein
New York, December 8, 2007
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