news letter 06-22-07
luyued 发布于 2011-05-31 00:12 浏览 N 次News Letter
For us or for Him?
For we are God's workers; you are God's field, God's building. 1Corinthians 3:9
When geese migrate, the usually fly in a “V” formation – and it is quite majestic to observe. Depending on the strength of the wind, the lead bird – who is doing the most work by breaking the force of the wind, will drop off and fly to the end of the formation to allow someone else to take its place. The reason for this is that the “V” formation is much more efficient than flying close – for it requires up to 60% less work. Further, scientists have discovered that the flapping wings of the geese create an up-lift of the air, and this up-lifting effect is greatest at the rear of the formation. So the geese taking turns “up-lifting” one another keep moving around in this process – and as a result of working together, geese are able to achieve long migrations that otherwise would be very difficult otherwise. In the same manner, when Christians are up-lifting each other in prayer and sharing in material needs, friendship, and caring – they can go further in God’s calling than when they try to go at it alone. Over time, new people in the formation must take the place of the leader and the leader return to the back of the pack so that the up-lifting keeps us all together as one, the church. Often times, we know that we are here in the church to be built up and get help (whether spiritually or health), but we often forget that“we are God’s fellow workers; that we are God’s field, God’s building.” (1 Corinthians 3:9)Remember that as members of this body of the church, our edification is not about ourselves, but about the saints, about the great commission – that God blesses us and equips us with blessings upon blessings so that we can become His tools for His glory! In fact, few verses in the New Testament even refer to the building-up of our selves! Paul reminds Christians that “He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.” (1Cornithians 14:4) This means that God’s gift of speaking in tongues to some of us is not about us, but that it is given to us so that we may be blessings to each other – that we are supposed to look out for each other! We are here in church and are responsible to build each other up in church. Paul reminds us that“everything is permissible – but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible – but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but should seek the good of others.” (1Corinthians 10:23-24) Let us be joyous that God has given us a home in our church and in our fellowship. But remember that as the body of Christ, our goal is not just to enjoy and be content in the moment and in our friends – that new brothers are coming in to our fellowship who need us just as when we first came to our fellowship and someone else was there for us. That we are in the fellowship not to just carry on in our roles week in and week out but that God has a calling for us to step out and step up to serving His fellowship, His house, and His people! %%%值 日 生:
Pre-fellowship prayer: Mike
Emcee: Mike
Ice Break: Little Angela
Worship: Angela's team
Program: Wendy
Summary: Charleen
Refreshment: Ian
Devotion: Linda
P R A Y E R06-21-07
- 求主用寶血遮蓋Wendy的身體來潔淨她,並且能沒有懼怕的藏在神平靜安穩的大喜樂中. 也求神來教導Wendy,使她學習在受苦中的信心,以及看見神在苦難中的榮耀,她就能更明白神的旨意,認識神的美善
- 求主保守Chalie在東亞的福音工作與她的身體健康,求主的寶血遮蓋他與他的團隊,出入都有平安,有充足的體力;在每件事上都緊緊跟隨神,合神使用,祝福他們得人如得魚.
- 求主紀念Charleen和Dolphin對宣教的執著和決心,更多在愛人靈魂上面,讓他們感受天父迫切的心,所以,便能夠用順服愛慕神單一的信心,使他們持守這一次如此美好的仗.
- 求主看顧Louis即將來臨新的工作和挑戰, 讓主話語的點滴澆臨在他的身上, 引導他渡過難關,使他能快速的適應新環境.
求主的愛伴隨小Angela,使她在即將來臨的紐西蘭之旅之中,看見主奇妙的工持續進行, 同時也保守她, 在遠地外出的安全,和對主的渴慕沒有停止.
- 為Mike,大Angela禱告,為他們的服事/家庭/工作感謝神,求主賜給他們更多等候的恩典,在一切所行的事上, 都認定神的帶領,並有聰明智慧明白神的心意.
- 為Christina Mou(上海), Alan(北京), Phil(巴黎), Tim(Ohio)禱告, 求主祝福他們的身心靈都康健,常
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