luyued 发布于 2011-05-30 07:43 浏览 N 次
This morning, i guess im alittle harsh towards her, i felt sorry about that. Shouldnt have treated her this way, she treat me the best than anyone else in the world!All the others are all evil creatures! Dont care if people call me a suckup! Or whatever shit! I hate being accused! Im really fed up and tired of holding on being a good person giving in everything.Guess my tolerance level exceeds its limit to certain people!I hate to say that, but well, im closing my door and entering back to my own little phoebeland. I find that those that fit in to my criteria of true friendship are always seem to be so far away from me... And my buddies that are and always there for me even though i seldom meet them are Qiusi and Jess, less talk less meet up doesnt mean they arnt there for me,whenever i need help by giving them a call, they wont ask for reason and give me all the mighty support.
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