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The mountains are alive with the sound ...

luyued 发布于 2011-01-10 09:46   浏览 N 次  


  And now - as never before seen except in the most darkest of corners of a drawer, or inside a box of mementos (at the bottom), or turned upside down and ever-which-a-way in a photo album.....the person who inspired Virginia Kate's Grandmother Laudine, orMee Maw as she called herself. Yes, this is the woman whoinspired the Mee Maw character in Tender Graces....who is she?Well....who was she is more the answer...This woman gave me the idea for Mee Maw Laudine just by being who she was....my brotherTommy found this photo and we laugh every time we look at it. This is such a telling photo. She would have been so mad atme for posting her before she was "fixed up" - without her nice wig and whatevers. Just as Virginia Kate'sMee Maw Laudine would befussin' up abig black storm, too, forbeing shown whilst not "fixed up."

