Six dietary laws regulating emotion
luyued 发布于 2011-01-10 09:12 浏览 N 次
Six dietary laws regulating emotion
TAGS: ( nike air max,air max shoes, )
4, the improvement of premenstrual syndrome (PMS): have this problem, women should be more nutrient intake of dairy products such as milk, nike air max condensed milk, yogurt, cheese, cheese, broccoli and dried fruits also for the change is particularly helpful for this symptom.
Effects: These foods are rich air max shoes in calcium, can help bone development and can prevent the low mood and premenstrual discomfort.
Calcium also helps the nervous system, especially the suppression nike air max of excited feeling, so to maintain balance and calm the mind.
5, I feel happy: a nike air max good mood you want to convert, you can choose green vegetables, meat, seafood air max shoes and bananas.
Effects: These foods contain magnesium, can fight depression and confusion of mind.
6, calm emotions: may wish to try to sugar beet, cabbage, nike air max celery, fruits and fresh vegetables.
Effects: These foods are rich in fiber, to ensure good bowel movements.
You know, the most likely cause irregular air max shoes digestion hot temper.
Well balanced diet with moderate exercise should be, this will be more effective to improve the depressed mood, and the invasion against nike air max shoes air max the pressure to improve overall mood, and the body help the body manufacture the required chemicals.
Proposals, to develop the habit of Eat small meals often air max shoes to avoid stress and weakness caused by daily work; and can not be completely clear of fat, because fat, especially vegetable oils, fatty acids can provide basic, it is necessary to maintain physical health
will cause endocrine imbalance, triggering a fiery and impulsive behavior; last recommendation is not to dine in a tense situation, as this will cause confusion in the digestive system, resulting in a bad mood, and affect health.
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