luyued 发布于 2011-01-05 18:00 浏览 N 次
today is the finally of 2010 year,i'm very happy and my grow old.when i looking back to my life,the pleasure and disapointment come to me.sometimes,i always thought why we are live the world and what is my pursuit.maybe,we should took some quality time to sum to what we had done by day at the days end.it is very important to relized what is my shortage and aprove it.i learned english more than 10 years ,it's my pity what i can't fluenty speaking english.but now,i tell myself that learn english well is priority.so ,in the follow years i'll devote myself time to studtying.
then,i hope everybody can enjoying youself everyday in the new year.achieve your dreams and goals.may god bless you.
上一篇:新年祝福 下一篇:中国服装业还很需要“假洋鬼子”
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