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(14)Jocab’s Return

luyued 发布于 2011-01-04 21:54   浏览 N 次  

Rachel was the last of Jacob’s wives to have a child, a baby boy named Joseph. Jacob finally had everything he wanted. One day he told Laban he planned to go back to his home.

Laban did not want Jacob to leave. He persuaded Jacob to stay with offering favorable conditions. However, Laban and his sons were not content with Jacob gradually. They tried to think of ways to cheat Jacob.

God was true to the promise made to Jacob at Bethel. God looked after Jacob and all his family and told Jacob it was time to return to Canaan. The next day, Jacob and his family left on their journey without telling Laban they were going.

When Laban found out they were gone, he followed after them. He soon joined up with them, but only to tell his daughters and their children good-bye.

The messengers returned to Jacob with the news that Esau was coming to meet him with 400 soldiers. Jacob became very frightened. He prayed to God for help. He sent many gifts to Esau, then took his family across the Jordan River to be safe.

That night Jacob was alone. Someone came out of the darkness and attacked him. They wrestled through out the night. Finally, the stranger touched Jacob’s hip, knocking it out of joint. Jacob was hurt but he would not stop wrestling.

“What is your name?” asked the stranger.

“My name is Jacob.”

“I’m going to change your name,” the stranger said. “Your will be called Israel, for you fought with God and with man and prevailed.”

The stranger blessed Jacob and went on his way. Jacob was thankful, for he had been face to face with God, and God spared his life.
