Financial Seminar & Grant Thorton
luyued 发布于 2011-03-21 19:42 浏览 N 次Ascend presents:
TriPoint Global Equities
Financial Seminar
Listen as the management team of this Investment Bank
gives a presentation regarding reverse mergers. This will also be a great
NETWORKING event, as more than 30 investment bankers, such as Goldman Sachs,
Credit Suisse, Barclays Capital, BNP PARIBAS, will be attending.
Monday, October 25th
6:00 PM- 9:00 PM
Room: Student Union
Business professional attire is required.
Food & Beverages will be served.
Louis E. Taubman, Esq., General Counsel and Founder Mr. Taubman manages all legal aspects of TriPoint Global Equities including strategic planning for the firm. In addition to his position at TriPoint Global Equities, Mr. Taubman is also General Counsel of TriPoint Capital Advisors, LLC, a merchant banking and financial consulting affiliate of TriPoint Global Equities.
Mark H. Elenowitz, CEO and Founder Mr. Elenowitz is responsible for the overall corporate development of the firm and advising clients on structuring, financings and acquisitions. Mark has extensive experience in advising clients on SOX 404 compliance, employee option programs, and capital markets navigation including acting as a member of the board of directors. He has worked with over 75 public and private companies.
Ascend presents:
Grant Thorton
Learn about the Career Paths at
Grant Thornton, one of the five accounting firms
Wednesday, October 27th
12:20 PM- 1:15 PM
Room: W604
Please be dressed in business casual.
Food & Beverages will be served.
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