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Repertoire List(E)

luyued 发布于 2011-06-20 07:36   浏览 N 次  

Variations Selection:

Please select your classical variations from the list provided by the Committee

Female Classical Repertoire List

Giselle ………………………………………………………… (Composer: Adam)

Variation of Giselle, Act I

Female variations from Peasant Pas de deux, Act I

Variations of Giselle from Grand Pas de deux, Act II

Grand Pas Classique…………………………………………..(Composer: Auber)

Female Variation from Grand pas de duex

The Flames of Paris …………………………………………..(Composer: Assafyev)

Variation of Jeanne from Pas de deux of Jeanne and Philippe, Act IV.

Paquita……………………………………………………….. (Composer: Deldevez)

Any female variations

Coppelia ……………………………………………………...(Composer: Delibes)

Variation of Swanilda, Act I

Variation of Swanilda from Grand Pas de deux, Act III.

Le Corsaire………………………………………………….. (Composer: Adam)

1st, 2nd, and 3rd variations from the pas de trios of Odalisques,

Variation of Medora from Pas de deux of Medora and Conrad, Act II

Raymonda …………………………………………………...(Composer: Glazounov)

Variation of Raymonda from Grand pas de deux of Raymonda and Jean de Brienne,


The Flower Festival at Genzano…………………………… (Composer: Helsted)

Female Variations

La Fille Mal Gardee ………………………………………...(Composer: Hertel)

Variation of Lisa from Pas de deux of Lisa and Colin, Act II

La Sylphide …………………………………………….......(Composer: Lowenskjold)

Variation of Sylphide from Pas de deux of Sylphide and James, Act II

La Bayadere …………………………………………….......(Composer: Minkus)

Variation of Nikia from Pas de deux of Nikia and Solor, Act III

Three variations of the Shades, Act III

Don Quixote……………………………………………....... (Composer: Minkus)

Variation of Quitry(Kitri), Act I

Variation of the Mistress of the Driads, Act II

Variation of Cupid, Act II

Variations of Quitry from Grand pad de deux of Quitry (Kitri) and Brasilio, Act III

Napoli ……………………………………………....... …….(Composer: Pauli)

Female variations from Pas de Six

La Esmeralda ……………………………………………......(Composer: Pugni)

Variation of Esmeralda from Grand pas de deux of Esmeralda and Frollo

Variation of Diana from Grand pas de deux of Diana and Acteon (Vaganova)

Swan Lake…………………………………………….......... (Composer: Tchaikovsky)

Female Solo variations from Pas de Trois, Act I

Variatons of Odette from Adadio of Odette and Siegfried, Act II

Variations of Odile from Grand pas de deux of Odile and Siegried, Act III

Nutcracker ……………………………………………....... .(Composer: Tchaikovsky)

Variations of Sugar Plum Fairy from Grand pas de deux of Sugar Plum Fairy and the

Prince, Act II

Sleeping Beauty …………………………………………….(Composer: Tchaikovsky)

Variation of Aurora, Act I

Variation of Lilac Fairy, Prologue

Variations of Florina from Pas de deux of Florina and the Blue Bird, Act III

Variations of Aurora from Grand pas de deux of Aurora and Desire, Act III

Gold, Silver, Platinum (or Diamond) variations, Act III

Sylvia ……………………………………………....... ……(Composer: Delibes)

Variations of Sylvia

Pas de Quatre …………………………………………….....(Composer: Pugni)

Solo variations

Male Classical Repertoire List

Giselle……………………………………………............... (Composer: Adam)

Variation of Albrecht from Grand Pas de deux of Giselle and Albrecht, Act II

Grand Pas Classique………………………………………. (Composer: Auber)

Male variation from Grand pas de deux

The Flames of Paris ………………………………………..(Composer: Assafyev)

Variation of Philippe from Grand pas de deux of Jeanne and Philippe, Act IV.

Paquita ……………………………………………....... ….(Composer: Deldevez)

Variation of Lucien d’Herbilly from Grand pas de deux of Paquita and Lucien

d’Herbilly, Act II

Coppelia…………………………………………….......... (Composer: Delibes)

Variation of Franz from Pas de deux of Swanilda and Franz, Act II

Le Corsaire …………………………………………….......(Composer: Adam)

Variation of Conrad from Pas de deux of Medora and Conrad, Act II

Raymonda ……………………………………………....... (Composer: Glazounov)

Variation of Jean de Brienne from Grand pas de deux of Raymonda and Jean de

Brienne, Act III

The Flower Festival at Genzano …………………………..(Composer: Helsted)

Male variations

La Fille Mal Gardee………………………………………. (Composer: Hertel)

Variation of Colin form Pas de deux of Lisa and Colin, Act II

La Sylphide……………………………………………....... (Composer: Lowenskjold)

Variations of James from Pas de deux of Sylphide and James, Act II

La Bayadere …………………………………………….......(Composer: Minkus)

Variations of Solor from Pas de deux of Nikia and Solor, Act III

Don Quixote……………………………………………....... (Composer: Minkus)

Variation of Brasilio in Act I

Variation of Brasilio from Grand pad de deux of Quitry and Brasilio, Act III

Napoli …………………………………………….......……..(Composer: Pauli)

Male solo variations from Pas de Six

La Esmeralda ……………………………………………......(Composer: Pugni)

Variation of Pheubus form Grand pas de deux of Esmeralda and Frollo

Variation of Acteon from Grand pas de deux of Diana and Acteon (Vaganova)

Swan Lake…………………………………………….......... (Composer: Tchaikovsky)

Male solo variations from Pas de Trois, Act I

Variation of Siegried from Grand pas de deux of Odile and Siegried, Act III

Nutcracker ……………………………………………....... .(Composer: Tchaikovsky)

Variations of Prince from Grand pas de deux, of Sugar Plum Fairy and the Prince, Act


Sleeping Beauty …………………………………………….(Composer: Tchaikovsky)

Variation of Prince Charming (Desire) from Grand pas de deux of Aurora and Desire,

