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范维维’s book report for unit 7

luyued 发布于 2011-01-18 23:24   浏览 N 次  

Part 1,reading for information

Summary :This article is about something of Internet .There are so many bad things aroud pus .Now, government had to take some measures to eliminate the bad things. Also , parents used more and more ways to protect their children from the harm nesses. They take place of thire children to settle kinds of problems .But the author think we should give children chances to make their choices which they really want to do instead of parents’ fiat. The most important thing being done by parents is to show the guidance to lead the children’s life way.

Comment: After reading the passage , I agree with the author .How to protect the children under 18 years old ? We should guide our children and let our children know about that and build a right discriminating taste,then they can prepare more to face reality.

Part 2, readingfor pleasure

Summary: The education's essence is teaching of facts and reasoning skills to our children . The most important thing of education is the teaching of facts and reasoning skills to our children, so that they learn how to think and protect themselves from philistinism .

Part 3, Test your reading, passage 2

Original paragraph: A vast majority of scientists remain unmoved by the ebb and flow of local policy. Evolution is not controversial in the field of science. It is controversial in the public sphere because public education is might politicized , says Scott, executive director of the National Center for Science Education. But in a country where 80 percent of the population believe God created the Earth, skirmishes will , no doubt, continue between proponents of evolution and those who reject the idea that man reached the top of the tree of life pretty much by accident.


Part3,test your reading Passage3

Origional paragraph:Recently the author has had a debate with a friend over how to shield children from inappropriate books ,movies ,television and Internet sites. The author ’s friend wants to ban the inappropriate material,while the author would rather help sharpen children’s demand . In fact , the Internet has been abuzz lately. There are many different blunt instruments in vitual world.

