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Must Have Addons To Help Make Gold in WoW

luyued 发布于 2011-06-17 16:07   浏览 N 次  

Making gold in WoW can be difficult. There are various ways to do it from farming, to crafting,Free PSP Games, and even offering services. Trying to track a lot of this stuff on your own can be rough. Luckily for us there are some addons that make our gold making activities much simpler. In this article I am going to introduce you to a few that I use.


This addon tracks any gathering based nodes that you find along the way. It will put an icon on both your world map and the mini map to make finding nodes that much easier. This will allow you to find a suitable farming path much more quickly and easily. You can start with published notes on the gathering routes and branch out from there. In time you will be able to find a path that works best for you.

There is one great benefit with this addon. If you guild mates have it installed you can share your notes and will get notified when they find a node if you are both online at the same time. This can save you headaches in the long term if you are unsure of the nodes in a zone.


This addon is a must have to maximize your returns with the auction house. It allows you to scan the auction house for data that will give you an idea on how much you should sell a particular item for. You do not need to play the AH to make this program useful.

It is also worth noting that Auctioneer works with a few of the other addons to further maximize your gold making ability.

Enchantrix and Lilsparky's Workshop

These are profession based addons that will help you find profitable items to make.

Enchantrix is specific to enchanters in that it will compare the value of the item to the expected return in disenchanted materials. It pulls the data from Auctioneer to make this work, which it also happens to be packaged with normally.

Lilsparky's Workshop shows the value to make the item in the profession window so you can easy decide if an item is worth making for a profit. This also pulls data from Auctioneer.

NPC Scan

This will help you pinpoint the location of those pesky rare mobs that have the valuable loot. These mobs can be hard to find on your own, and may even blend in with the environment making your job even harder. It will sound an alarm when one is around, and even pop up a picture of the mob making it easier for you to pinpoint. It does not automatically target it for you, however, so you need to move fast to ensure you get the kill.

There are many other great addons that will help you make gold. The ones I listed are a great place to start. I am sure you will find will help you hit the gold cap much easier.

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