luyued 发布于 2011-06-13 05:38 浏览 N 次
Recap: 何为人类学?vs. 何谓人类学
¨ 泰勒 定 义: “文化是复杂的一个整体,包括知识,信仰,艺术,道义,法律,风俗,和任何其他可供人学习掌握以成为社会一员的能力和习惯
课程 SOCI130004.01 文化人类学,教师潘天舒,地点:H5114 ,时间:周一第1-2节,性质:本科生课程 双语教学
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Recap: 何为人类学?vs. 何谓人类学
¨ 学科定义、定位和想象
- how anthropology is defined and how it relates to other academic fields.
¨ What Do Anthropologists Do?
introduces anthropology as a four-field, integrated discipline, with academic and applied dimensions.
4-field approach in anthropology
- CULTURAL /SOCIAL anthropology
Ethnography, fieldwork, culture
- Archeological anthropology
“digging,” material remains /artifacts, museums
- Biological/physical anthropology
Human evolution and bio-diversity, fossils and genes
- Linguistic anthropology
Language, culture, and society
Anthropology @ Harvard
Anthropology and other disciplines
¨ Anthropology and Sociology
1. Origin stories (western vs. non-western)
in-depth, qualitative (participant observation) & quantitative (statistically based surveys)
3. Interdisciplinary cooperation is causing these differences to disappear
WHAT distinguishes (general) anthropology from other academic fields.
As a science, anthropology is a systematic field of study that uses experiments, observations, and deduction to produce reliable explanations of human cultural and biological phenomena.
Anthropology is also one of the humanities, in that it encompasses the study and cross-cultural comparison of languages, texts, philosophies, arts, music, performances, and other forms of creative expression.
Human Adaptivity
¨ Like other species, humans adapt to their environments physiologically and genetically (by “natural selection”).
¨ One way humanity differs from other species is that we adapt to changes in our environment mainly – but not exclusively by cultural rather than by biological / genetic means.
¨ Culture is essential to human life as we experience it because it provides us the means to ADAPT to our surroundings, for relationships in organized groups, and interpret reality.
¨ 人类学者为探究人类行为和思想的生理和社会基础,一直对文化在人的!°自然习性!±形成过程所起的作用,有着浓厚的兴趣。在肯定人的生物本性在塑造和与文化互动之间某种相关性的同时,人类学家更倾向于强调文化在构建人们习以为常的所谓本性时,所扮演的不可或缺的角色。
¨ 如何避免将文化与人的自然习性混为一谈?最容易的办法是通过揣摩文化规范的差异,是观察人类是如何采取种种不同的方式方法,来满足看上去是最基本和最自然的生理需求,如吃喝拉撒睡。
Week 2 Culture! Culture! Culture!
¨ Human adaptation and CULTURE
¨ In ordinary speech (both ENG & CHN), the word “culture” is used to refer to sophisticated tastes in art, literature, or music. But the sociological/ anthropological use of the term is much WIDER and implies that anyone participates in society is “cultured.”
¨ Culture includes EVERYTHING that a human society produces and shares.
¨ Culture (way of life, “codes or blue prints” of societies) vs. society (people who shares a culture)
¨ Culture isn’t one “thing” but an elaborate system of mental and physical “things.”
NOTE: socialization / enculturation
¨ 泰勒认为文化作为人类行为和思维系统,
¨ 泰勒 定 义: “文化是复杂的一个整体,包括知识,信仰,艺术,道义,法律,风俗,和任何其他可供人学习掌握以成为社会一员的能力和习惯
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