luyued 发布于 2011-06-12 22:06 浏览 N 次
Throughout the jump an exhibition of spectacular assets from the links london jewellery troupe archives in Geneva, Paris and New York, and from secret collections (some commissioned by American clients, such as Barbara Hutton and the Duchess of Windsor), is touring the country. Luxury boutiques lean to be as transient as the fashions links of london watch uk that they supply, but the lapidary couture at Cartier never goes out of panache. It is one of the oldest merchants on Fifth Avenue, and this year the house is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its American bough family of london. (Pierre opened his first gathering in 1909, a few blocks north of the Plant hall, in a 1908 Beaux Arts shop that is occupied by Henri Bendel.) Throughout the spring an exhibition of spectacular treasures from the visitors archives in Geneva, Paris and New York, Links london Chains and from private collections (some commissioned by American clients, such as Barbara Hutton and the Duchess of Windsor), is touring the country. It includes examples, some never exposed openly before, of the fantastically bejeweled plants and fauna designed by Louis Cartier, Pierre's brother relatives of london charms; by Jeanne Toussaint, his protg and collaborator; and by a succession of master artisans running in the Cartier tradition of lively experiment and exorbitant virtuosity. Predators cohabit with links of london rings adorable mascots from a tale for children. Louis Cartier found inspiration in the art and life the geometry of the Cubists; the palette of the Fauves; the hybrid talismans of faience and gold that were masked with the pharaohs and that came to light in 1923, with the discovery of Tutankhamen's mausoleum relatives of london jewels. He useless hours sketching from life at the Jardin des Plantes, which houses the Paris zoo, but indeed no aviary, menagerie or circus (outside the pages of myth) is richer in exotic cheap links of london rings creatures than the Cartier vaults.
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