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关于pivot point trading(支点交易法)

luyued 发布于 2011-06-12 16:07   浏览 N 次  

你会喜欢本课程的。支点(pivot points) 作为一种交易策略已经很长时间了,最初是场内交易员使用这种方法。使用这种方法通过几个简单的计算就可以了解市场在一天中的去向。支点法中的支点是一天中市场方向的转向点,通过简单地计算前日的高点、低点和收盘价,可以得到一系列点位。这些点位可能形成关键的支撑和阻力线。支点位,支撑和阻力位被统称为支点水位。你所看到的市场每天都有开盘价、高价、低价及收盘价(有一些市场是 24 小时开盘,比如外汇市场,通常用 5pm EST 作为开盘和收盘时间)。这些信息包含了你使用支点法的所有数据。支点法之所以如此流行是因为它可以预测,而不是拖后。你可以使用前一天的数据来计算你交易日(当前交易日)所可能发生的转向点因为有很多交易者按支点法进行交易,你会发现在这些关键位置市场是有反应的。这给你了交易机会。在我告诉你们如何计算这些支点以前,我要告诉你们,我已经放了一个在线计算器供你们免费下载。如果你想自己计算,我使用这组公式:阻力 3 = 高点 + 2*(支点 - 低点)阻力 2 = 支点 + (R1 - S1)阻力 1 = 2 *支点 - 低点支点 = ( 高点 + 收盘 + 低点 )/3支撑 1 = 2 * 支点 – 高点支撑 2 = 支点 - (R1 - S1)支撑 3 = 低点 - 2*(高点 – 支点)从上面的公式你可以看出,只要知道前日的高点、低点以及收盘价,你就可以得到 7 个点,3 个阻力位,3个支撑位以及一个实际支点。如果市场在支点上方开盘,那么当天可能就是多头市场。如果市场在支点下方开盘,市场可能就是空头市场。最重要的三个支点是:R1, S1 及实际支点。支点法的一般用法是观察对 R1S1 的突破。当市场到达 R2,R3 o 或者 S2,S3 时,市场处于超买或者超卖,在这些水位上应该出场而不是入场。最好的市场情况是这样的:市场在支点上方一些开盘,慢慢地升到 R1 位置,然后再升到 R2 位置。你可以在 r1 点被突破的时候入场,目标位是 r2,如果市场足够强,半场的时候在 r2 收盘(??),可能在剩下的时间内达到 r3。但是,生活不是如此简单的,我们必须尽我们所能处理好每一个交易日。我从上周的市场中随机取出了一天,向大家说明在那天我们如果使用支点法进行交易。04 年 8 月 12 号欧元/美元的数据是这样的高点--1.2297低点--1.2213收盘--1.2249我们可以得出:r3--1.2377r2--1.2337r1--1.2293实际支点---1.2253s1--1.2209s2--1.2169s3--1.2125请看以下 5 分钟图

绿线是支点,蓝色线是阻力线,红色线是支撑线用支点法有许多方法进行交易,我给你们讲几种,并且讨论一下在特定情况下,什么是好的,为什么有一些是不好的方法突破交易开始的时候,我们是在支点下面,所以我们倾向于做空。我们可以画一个通道,这样你可以观察通道的突破,最好是向下突破。在这种交易中,你可以把卖出订单放在低一级通道的下方,把止损订单放在上一个通道的上方,目标位是 s1。这一天的问题是,s1 和突破位置很接近,交易没有多少油水(13 点)。对你来说,入场技术很好,只不过当日情况不是很好,而这并不意味着第二天情况就不太好。

拉回交易这是我喜欢的交易方式。市场穿越 s1,然后拉回,在支撑位下方放置一个入场订单,图上就是在拉回前的低点。止损单在拉回点上方(最近的高点-----峰值),目标是 s2。又出来一个问题,这种方式下,目标s2 太近,市场从来也没有到达前一级支撑,这种情况告诉我们,市场情绪要发生变化

阻力位的突破随着行情的发展,市场开始回到 s1 位置,并形成一个通道(挤压区)。这是另一个好的交易机会。在通道上轨上方放置一个入场指令,止损放在通道下轨的下方,第一目标是支点线,如果你手里有不止一个头寸,在市场到达支点的时候,可以平仓一半头寸,上移止损,并观察市场对这个位置的反应。市场没有在这个位置停住,你的下个目标位就是 r1。这个位置很快就达到了,我会在这个位置平仓所有头寸。

更高级的用法正如我前面提到的,支点法交易有很多种方式。更高级的用法是使用两根移动平均线的穿越作为突破的确认。你甚至可以使用指标来帮助你做出决定。可以使两根移动平均线或者 macd 的穿越,但是必须是买入模式。你可以用你喜欢的指标,但是记住,信号是水位的突破,指标只是用来确认。

我们已经研究了支点水位的失败形态,但是这不是这课的内容,我想我只是想介绍给你一种交易方式。祝交易顺利。Day Day Day Day Trading Trading Trading Trading Forex Forex Forex Forex Futures Futures Futures Futures with with with with Pivot Pivot Pivot Pivot Points Points Points PointsBy Eric UtleyTradingMarkets.com TradingMarkets.com TradingMarkets.com TradingMarkets.comPivot Pivot Pivot Pivot Points Points Points PointsPivot points are a popular tool used by futures traders in all sortsofmarkets, ranging fromequity indices to crude oil. And, sure enough, pivot points are readily applied to tradingcurrency futures.Pivot points are support and resistance levels derived from the previous period's high, low, andclosing values. There are a varietyofpivot values with which to trade, including monthly,weekly, and daily values. You could even calculate hourly values. When determining whichperiod to trade with, you've got to consider your time frame as an individual and your particularstyle. I'll use daily pivot points for the purposeofthis article since the focus is day trading.Daily pivot points give a structure to each new trading day in the currency market. With thesevalues you can use traditional support and resistance techniques to enter and exit trades. ButbeforeIgettothestrategy,I'llshowyouhowtocalculatepivotvalues.Pivot Point (PP) = (High + Low + Close) / 3Resistance 1 (R1) = (2 x Pivot Point) - LowSupport 1 (S1) = (2 x Pivot Point) - HighResistance 2 (R2) = Pivot Point + (Resistance 1 - Support 1)Support 2 (S2) = Pivot Point - (Resistance 1 - Support 1)(Pivot values for several different currency pairs are posted on the TradingMarkets web siteevery day.)The pivot values are plotted as horizontal levels which, in turn, serve as support andresistance. The pivot point itself can be thoughtofas the day's mid-point, or fulcrum. It's wherethe buyers and sellers meet to determine the day's trend in a currency pair. The support andresistance levels that are plotted around the pivot point are just that: potential support andresistance.A daily pivot point (in green), S2, S1, R1, and R2 values are plotted on the chart belowoftheEUR/USD FX future. The chart is a 5-minute interval. Notice how the Euro broke above thepivot point early in the day, and then proceeded to trade up to R1, where it met resistance andgyrated for the restofthe day.Source: Source: Source: Source: Quote.com Quote.com Quote.com Quote.comFollow Follow Follow Follow The The The The Intraday Intraday Intraday Intraday Trend Trend Trend TrendThe powerofpivot points is unleashed when you follow an unfolding trend during the day, anduse the pivot values to measure the magnitude of trend. Additionally, the pivot points can beused to determine entry points into a trade. Applying simple breakout and breakdown entriesaround pivot points is a powerful way of using the tool.An example of following the trendofthe day as it unfolds, and entering trades on the break ofpivot values, is illustrated on the 5-minute chart below of the JPY/USD contract. In thisexample, the Yen began the day near its pivot value, rolled over from R1, and proceeded tobreakdown below the pivot point, S1, and S2. The pair dropped by about 60 ticks, providingample opportunity for a day trader to make money on each breakdown below support. Thesetypes of intraday trends unfold a few times throughout the trading week, and they are relativelyeasy to exploit by following the futures contract through its pivot values.Source: Source: Source: Source: Quote.com Quote.com Quote.com Quote.comA second wayofleveraging the power of pivots in the currency futures market is by adding atechnical indicator that can pinpoint buy and sell signals. You will still want to use traditionalsupport and resistance techniques around the pivot values. The purposeofadding to theindicator is to help in the timingofan entry into a trade. Above all else, though, you want totrade in the direction of the unfolding trend.The MACD (12,26,9) is added to the 5-minute Euro chart below. The MACD generates simplebuy and sell signals with the crossing of the fast and slow lines. Quite simply, it's time to buywhen the fast line crosses above the slow. Conversely, it's time to sell when the fast linecrosses below the slow line. Only the buy signals are highlighted on the chart below becausethe Euro was in an upward trend during the day. The sell signals are ignored due to theupward trend in the contract.The Euro began the day at 1.2640 and ended near 1.2740 for a move of roughly 100 ticks.That's a lot of potential profit, part of which could have been captured by simply following thetrend of the day and taking the buy signals coming from the MACD.Source: Source: Source: Source: Quote.com Quote.com Quote.com Quote.comPivot Pivot Pivot Pivot Point Point Point Point Tips Tips Tips Tips And And And And Tricks Tricks Tricks TricksTrading with pivot points is not a big secret. Floor traders and dealing desks have beenapplying the methodology for decades in the currency market. But what separates theprofitable traders from the losers is the simple act of following the trendofthe day, cuttinglosses short, and letting profits run to the next pivot value.Inaddition, there are a fewobservations I've made over the years thatIcanaddtothesimpletruthoffollowingthetrend.The first tipIwanttoshareisthatthebesttrenddaysusuallyunfoldwhenthecurrencybeginsthe trading day near its pivot point. You might have already made this observation in the twoabove examplesofthe Euro and Yen. If you didn't, then take a second and jump back to theabove charts, and note how the Euro and Yen began the day at or very near their pivot points.There are usually two or three days out of the week during which the majors such as the Euro,Yen, Pound, and Franc begin trading at their daily pivot. These are the days to look for a bigtrend to unfold.If the currency that you're trading begins the day far away from the pivot, either below S2 orabove R2, then it's probably a day that you want to walk away from. When a currency opensthe day at one of the daily pivot extremes, it usually spends the rest of the session gyratingaround that level. Avoid trying to trade a reversal of the overnight trend. Occasionally it mightoccur, but more often than not a big overnight trend will stall out at R2 or S2. The temptation isthere to try to squeeze out a small profit, or bet on a reversal of the overnight trend. But thereality is that these are the days that can destroy a trader's equity.You will find two examples belowofstrong overnight trends leading to massive gaps at theopen of New York trading in the futures market. The first is an exampleofa gap up in the Euro.The pair opened at R2, where it spent the rest of the session. The second example is of a gapdown in the Pound. The contract opened below S2, and spent the restofthe day gyrating in atight range.Source: Source: Source: Source: Quote.com Quote.com Quote.com Quote.comSource: Source: Source: Source: Quote.com Quote.com Quote.com Quote.comThese days are best left to the floor traders.Inthe long run, you'll be better off not even tryingto trade during days when the currency futures stage a substantial gap, either high or lower.You'll be better of by waiting for those days when the currency futures open near their pivotpoints.Profit Profit Profit Profit With With With With Pivots Pivots Pivots PivotsDay trading with pivot points can be applied to the spot Forex market just as they are in thecurrency futures market. Support and resistance, and the techniques that accompany theseprice levels, are consistent across all markets.Infact, pivot points have been used acrossdealing desks for decades in the spot Forex market. To the individual investor, however, itmakes more sense to use currency futures when day trading simply because of the lowercosts associated with trading futures.The most important point to remember when applying pivot points to day trading currencyfutures is to follow the trendofthe day, and simply look to enter into an unfolding trend as apair makes its way through pivot values. Pay special attention to those days when the currencyopens at or very near its pivot point. And avoid trading when a contract opens far away from itspivot point, at or beyond S2 and R2 values.PIVOTS AND THE FOREXThe Pivot techniques work well in markets with a wide daily trading range,such astheForex. Pivot lines steers traders away from“noman’sland”andidentifies“highactivity”areasinwhichtheequityhasahighprobabilityofreversal. These areas are important trading zone watched dailybyfloor tradersand computer trading systems.The levels for the trading ranges and pivots are the support and resistancelevels of the market in the next time interval.Itis important to note thatthepredicted levels only give the range in the next time interval.They do not indicate when the levels will be reachedbythe currency priceaction. The pivot is a level at which the underlying asset can be expected tochange direction and/or move rapidly away from.DAILY DAILY DAILY DAILY PIVOT PIVOT PIVOT PIVOT DATA DATA DATA DATAMy pivots program provides not only Pivot, R1, R2, S1, and S2,butalso theM1, M2, M3, and M4 points as well.Itis common to find many traderscalculating only the Pivot, R1, R2, S1, and S2 levels.In the Forex market, however, you will find my additional points of support andresistance to be very significant indeed. These pivot data points are publisheddaily and is available for access to you once you start the course. TheForexmentor video course also shows you how to calculate the Pivot pointsusing our proprietary Pivot Calculator.After you have calculated the pivot numbers for the day, place horizontal lineson your 15 minute and 1 hour charts at the pivot numbers for the day, or atleast as many lines as your chart has room for. These pivot points will guideyour trading throughout the day.Pivot Point Trading- 7 Guidelines For SuccessBy Michael A. JonesWhat do we mean by pivot point trading? It simply means that Forex traders take into accountpivot points calculated from the previous day's trading range and use them as reference points toidentify support and resistance levels.Taking the high, low, close and open values of the previous day's price action, strategic levels canbe identified which may or may not have an influence on price action. Pivot point trading putsemphasis on these levels, and uses them to guide entry and exit points for trades.However, as with any technical indicator, there are limitations and pivot point trading, to be highprobability, needs to stay within certain parameters. The following 7 guidelines can help pivotpoint trading be more profitable:No. 1Pivot points should not be used as a standalone indicator. Do not enter or exit trades purely on thebasis of pivot points. Use theminconjunction with other indicators such as candle patterns,Fibonacci levels, MACD, and moving averages to identify and confirm key levels of support andresistance which may provide trading opportunities.No. 2While some traders livinginvarious parts of the world may calculate their pivot points accordingto the time zoneinwhich they live, a fairly safe standard for calculating the levels of pivot pointtrading is to use GMT (Greenwich Meantime).Midnight GMT is a very quiet timeinthe market with very little volatility and provides a goodopportunity to calculate more accurate pivot levels going from midnight GMT to midnight GMTthe following day.No. 3It is good to understand what is going on behind the scenes whenitcomes to pivot point trading.Rather than just staring at candles on a chart, understand what they actually represent.Thousands of traders around the world, some working for large institutions and handling millionsor even billions of dollars worth of currency, are taking positions according to previouslyestablished highs and lowsinthe market.Pivot points draw attention to these key levels which will often be strongly defended by traderswho have alotat stake. This is the reason pivot point trading can be so successful, once a traderunderstands underlying reasons for price action.No. 4It is good to calculate mid levelsinaddition to the S1, S2, R1, and R2 pivot levels. Sometimesthere is a significant gap between these levels and calculating a mid point gives another point ofreference. Price will often be seen respecting M1, M2, M3, or M4.To calculate mid levels, simply subtract the level below from the level above and divide by 2. (seethe resource box for a free pivot point calculator)No. 5Pivot