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luyued 发布于 2011-03-28 15:49   浏览 N 次  
女儿成熟了,长大了,仅今年就先后接到加拿大,新加波,中国北京和中国大连几个国际会议的邀请。下面是今年10月中国北京会议的介绍,她是68名中,被以“国内外专家和知名企业科研负责人”邀请参与会议的,从照片看,她好像是最年轻的博士之一。留个纪念。 女儿取得的成就,是父母的骄傲。为孩子们祝贺! 技术讲座学术会议展会展览生物汇展 >> 学术会议 >> 制药技术其它 >> 第八届新药发明科技年会第八届新药发明科技年会举办城市: 北京举办地点: 北京国际会议中心举办时间: 2010-10-23 ~ 2010-10-26主办单位: 中国医药生物技术协会,国家外国专家局国外人才信息研究中心承办单位: 大连百奥泰科技有限公司“国际新药发明科技年会(IDDST)”每年一届,该会议旨在为全球药物研发领域的制药企业、学术机构及科研工作者,提供一个国际交流的平台,传递最前沿的技术与资讯,促进科研和商务合作。同时,让国内企业界与科研人员在第一时间内了解和掌握国际制药领域前沿动态,以此推动我国的新药创新。
第八届新药发明科技年会本届年会将于2010年10月23-26日在中国北京国际会议中心隆重举行。会议将邀请医药领域诺贝尔奖得主、各国院士、著名制药企业高管及近500位国内外著名专家和知名企业科研负责人做精彩报告,他们将带来药物创新领域的前沿技术和研究热点,引导国际新药研发趋势。本届年会共设置了八十多个专题论坛,主要有:临床前药物基础性研究、药物化学、药物创制的新方法新工具、转化医学、癌症、传染病、神经退行性疾病等重大疾病的药物发现、生物制药新热点、新特临床药物里程碑、全球技术转换、CRO外包新机遇以及国际项目的合作对接等。同时,还将举办企业项目专场推介会和医药领域新技术新产品展览会。本届年会将成为本年度规模最大、演讲人员水平最高、最具国际影响力的新药发明盛会。 ★ Highlights of the ConferenceExchange latest advances and network with leading scientists in the field of drug discovery and therapeuticsBrings together top international scientists and clinicians presenting the cutting-edge discoveries, research and new therapeutic drugsOver eight years' experience to span the interdisciplinary fields of pre-clinical and clinical drug discovery and drug DevelopmentBenchmark your company's performance against otherFeature a multilateral exhibition and poster sessions ★ Keynote Speakers

Dr. Erwin Neher,Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1991, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany

Dr. Christian Amatore, Director of the Research Unit “PASTEUR”, CNS Full Professor, CNRS, ENS and UPMC, France

Dr. Ming-Q Zhang, VP/CTO, Roche R&D China, China

Dr. Steve Yang, Vice President and Head of R&D in Asia, Pfizer, USA

Dr. Bertil Lindmark,
Vice President and Head, Clinical Division, AstraZeneca KK, Japan

★ Renowed Speakers

Dr. Volker Laux,
Director, Head of Acute Care Research, Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany

Dr. Elizabeth Kwong, Senior Scientific Director, Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Merck & Co., USA

Dr. John C. Lin,
Executive Director, Research, Rinat, Pfizer Inc., USADr. Alan J Lewis,
President and CEO, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, UK

Dr. Ronald P. Evens,
Clinical Professor, University of Florida, President & CEO, MAPS 4 Biotec, Inc., USA

Dr. Marcus Hompesch,
President – CEO, Profil Institute for Clinical Research Inc., USADr. Hinnerk Boriss,
CEO, Sovicell GmbH, GermanyDr. Robert U. Simpson,
President-Cardiavent Inc., Professor-Pharmacology, University of Michigan Medical School, USA

Dr. Brian L. Walton, Associate Director of Interventional Cardiology Research, Director, CVEIT, Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, USA

Dr. John C Burnett Jr,
Marriott Family Professor of Cardiovascular Research
Director, Cardiorenal Research Laboratory, Mayo Clinic, USA

Dr. Alexander Meyer auf der Heyde, Partner - Pharmaceuticals & Medical Products, Accenture (China) Co., Ltd. China

Dr. Kim Connelly Smith,
Professor of Pediatrics,
Director Children's Tuberculosis Clinics, University of Texas Houston Medical School, USA

Dr. Alex F. Chen, Director, VA Vascular Surgery Research, Vascular Medicine Institute, McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA

Dr. Juan J. Canales, Head Investigator, Research Group in Biopsychology & Comparative Neuroscience, Cavanilles Institute, University of Valencia, Spain

Dr. Lara Stevanato,
Senior Investigator, ReNeuron Group plc, UK

Dr. Angelo Carpi,
Professor, Department of Reproduction and Ageing, University Hospital, Italy

Dr. Gabriele Betz,
Head of Industrial Pharmacy Lab, Industrial Pharmacy Lab, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel, Switzerland

Dr. A. Omri,
Professor, Director of Drug and Vaccine delivery Systems Laboratory, Laurentian University, Canada

Dr. Haihong Ni, Director of Computational Science, Chemizon, Inc., ChinaDr. Richard Wang, Director, Strategic Alliance Asia & Portfolio and Operation Management, Innovation Center China, AstraZeneca Global R&D, China

Dr. Jason C.G. Halford,
Director of the Kissileff Human Ingestive Behaviour Laboratory, University of Liverpool, UK

Dr. David C. Hay,
Principal Investigator, RCUK Fellow, MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, UK

Dr. Nagaraj Nagathihalli,
Managing Editor, Nutrition Journal,
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA

Dr. Elisabeth Perzborn,
Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany

Dr. James S. MacDonald,
DABT, Chrysalis Pharma Consulting, LLC, USA

Dr. Ljiljana Harding,
Pfizer Global Research and Development, UKDr. Olivier Wenker,
Professor of Anesthesiology, Director of Technology Discovery, Division of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

Dr. Arlene Amor, Director, Caerus Consulting Pty. Ltd, Australia

Dr. David Lester,
President, ITHW, Inc., USA

Dr. Xiaoyan Jiang, Senior Scientist, Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer Research Centre, Canada

Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou, Associate Dean & Presidential Distinguished Professor, Director, NIH RCMI-Center for Environmental Health, Jackson State University, USA

Dr. Pierre Guertin, President and CEO, Nordic Life Science Pipeline; Professor, Laval University, CanadaDr. Mirko Diksic, Professor and Director, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Canada

Dr. Robert Levy, Senior Partner, Okapi Consultants, LLC; Director of Clinical Development, Primus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., USA

Dr. Kun Liu, Principal Scientist, Wyeth Research, USADr. Christian Neri, Research Director at INSERM; Professor, University of Montreal, France

Dr. Carl K. Edwards, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Denver; Sr. Executive Vice President, R&D, Western States Biopharmaceuticals, Inc., USA

Dr. Sheraz Gul, Vice President & Head of Biology, European ScreeningPort GmbH, Germany

Dr. Dalia Cohen, Chief Scientific Officer, Rosetta Genomics, USA

Dr. Cornelis Hop, Director, Genentech Inc.

Dr. Gennadi V. Glinsky, Senior Scientist, Ordway Research Institute, Albany Medical College, USA

Dr. Anuj Chauhan, Associate Professor, Director of the Graduate Program, Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, USA

Dr. Jinping Dong, Senior Research Associate, Characterization Facility, Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, USA

Dr. Geert Verdonk, Senior Research Scientist Quality, QA Schering Plough Corporation, The Netherlands

Dr. Douglas Gladstone, Co-Director, Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Stony Brook University, USA
