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luyued 发布于 2011-03-21 06:26   浏览 N 次  
Dear John, How is going? I'm Grace.Remember me? I have heard from that you had left for US.Why?Will you come to China again? I dropped out of the high school in early December and now I'm in Tianjin Foreign University to study English with the freshmen.I will immigrate to Toranto,Canada on Feb.23,2008.Well,I'm a little excited and also a little scary,maybe just like you when you first came to China. I hope to see you again! Merry Christas! Grace Hello Grace, Dang Ran!!!! Are you kidding me. Do I remember you????? It is so good to hear from you. I hope to return to China within the next six months. I have a fiance in Shenyang and we hope to get married as soon as I get back to China. We write to each other about five times a day and I call her at least three times a week. My Chinese is a lot better than her english, but we still have no problem communicating. I have been continuing to study Chinese while I am teaching Asian students here. I am so glad to hear that you are at the Foreign Language School. I know that you will do very well there. I am also happy that you are going to Canada. I know that it is scary, but you will do well. Please, please stay in touch and let me know how you are doing. I hate that I will miss you, but I hope to see you when you come back. Remember that I am always here to help in any way that I can. Please stay in touch. John 从我小学毕业开始,我跟20多位外教打过交道。他们大多数都很棒!但我记忆最深的有三个:Keelyn(加拿大)、Peter(新西兰)、John(美国)。 一、Keelyn
她教我时,我仅12岁。当时,我对外国人有种恐惧的心理,不仅因为他们长相特别,而且他们跟我说话时我不老太懂。她在天津大学留学,周末时她做兼职在英孚教课。她人很好,跟我们打成一片,让我们度过了快乐的暑假。她跟我们一起骂教材垃圾,跟我们一起大谈食物、跟我们一起玩游戏…… 9月时课程结束了,我们都求她寒假还来讲课啊~!后来,由于她回国了,我们就再也没见过面。但她是第一位让我觉得外教不再遥远、不再可怕的老师。 二、Peter 他说他是商人,在中国停留半个月,于是就教了我们一个星期的课。虽然是一个星期,但我认为他是迄今为止我认为教得最好的老师。我电脑里现在还存有他的教学录音。他是商人,这点充分体现在他的授课中。他讲课从不说废话,而且语速很严谨流利而又让别人听得懂。(大概也有我英语水平有所提高的原因)他幽默,有西方人特有的开放,跟我说话时会搂着我的肩膀,会蹲下来,脸与脸的距离不超过10公分,我可以清楚地看见他鼻头上的黑点……当时我吓了一跳,全身一直在哆嗦,他还笑我可爱但是他的课确实很棒!我也很喜欢这位开放的新西兰商人。期待能再次听到他的课! 三、John 记起他,不是因为他的课好,而是因为我俩的特殊感情。他是克林顿时期白宫的发言人,薪水高得自然不必说,但是他很“有病”,在小布什上台后因为不满他的政策愤然辞职周游列国。他05年5月份到了中国,暑假开始教我。他说我是他的第一拨学生。恩~其实他啊~看得出他认真备课,可是他太小看我们了,给我们teamwork的时间长得可怕,Peter给我们两分钟时间讨论很充实,John给我们15分钟讨论,不免让我们在一起用中文偷偷聊天了我觉得美国人的审美观点真是费解,全班这么多美女,他偏偏看上了我?!经常围着我转,朝我“放电”,开我的暧昧玩笑,还捏我脸?!他说我长得漂亮额~真可爱~!也许是因为我名字和他初恋女友的名字一样使他有亲近感? Grace,我爱你(注:他是用中文说的) Grace,if you marry me... Grace,I will be excited if you can be my girlfriend... 呵呵~他啊~都奔50的人了,还这么不正经。他真是奇怪,没结过婚,没有孩子!呵呵~我就不夸他了! 又和他联系是昨天了,具体情况就是开头的两封信了。他有了未婚妻,祝福他!他还记得我,耐死他啦!如果我能参加他的婚礼,哈哈~看我怎么“虐待”他!