[索菲娅格林]《2002 年的第一场雪》
luyued 发布于 2011-03-17 18:26 浏览 N 次歌词完整版:
Early Morning
early morning when the sun is rising
i watch you when you still are in your sleep
teacups still waiting on the breakfast table
that's not a reason good enogh to wake you
early morning when the day is dawning
i lay beside you listening to your heartbeat
i fell so happy when i'm thingking of you
to have you close to me and around me
one day will come when the dream is over
before that day i will not keep from dreaming
one day will come when the day's getting colder
i think of you and your love will surround me
show me your heart and i will give your mine
show me your tears and i will kiss them all away
show me the one thing that i really need
show me your love and never take it away
early morning and the sun is up now
i cross the room and open up the door
teacups still waiting on the breakfast table
and i still waiting my love to wake up
early morning and i greet the sunlight
it's so beautiful it spreads over fields now
all around me the sunlight is now flowing
i see the beauty in the day as it's dawning
if i could live here without days of wonder
if i could live here when it's calm and peaceful
i guess i'd stay here till the end of lifetime
if i can say goodbey to the queen of sorrow
show me your heart and i will give your mine
show me your tears and i will kiss them all away
show me the one thing that i really need
show me your love and never take it away
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