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《美国国家地理》杂志 壹壹年一月壁纸精选

luyued 发布于 2011-03-17 15:32   浏览 N 次  


Glowing furnace bright at night, London became the world's largest city during the coal-powered industrial revolution, a tipping point for the steep rise of Earth's population. Wealthy countries use many times more resources per capita than poorer nations, but as global incomes rise, increased consumption may stress the planet more than population growth.


2.A selection of manuscripts from a small family library includes a text with astrology diagrams (center). Timbuktu's libraries contain over 100,000 manuscripts, and experts believe many thousands remain undiscovered.


3.China—Towering ice sculptures set a winter night ablaze with color at the 26th annual Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. The monuments, showcasing architecture from palaces to pagodas, stood for more than a month.


4.A giant cave column swagged in flowstone towers over explorers swimming through the depths of Hang Ken, one of 20 new caves discovered last year in Vietnam.

一个直入流石的巨大洞柱矗立于悬垂在Hang Ken洞的探险者上方,这个洞穴是去年越南最新发现的20个洞穴之一。

5.Healthy new plate coral in the lagoon on Kanton island is a sign of hope. Since the waters here were hit by a severe bleaching episode, the coral has grown to a diameter of more than four feet.

新生的健康盘型珊瑚成为Kanton 群岛重现生机的希望。因为这里的水质遭受过一次严重的漂白污染,珊瑚的直径长到了超过四英尺长。

6.The Sankore Mosque was one of three historic mosques that oversaw a system of private academies run by Islamic scholars during the 15th and 16th centuries.


7.After a day of grazing in the surrounding desert, a herd of sheep and goats follow their owner to his home on the edge of Timbuktu. Founded by Tuareg herders, Timbuktu still counts the livestock trade among its primary sources of income.


