Mr kinmizu
luyued 发布于 2011-03-17 05:01 浏览 N 次
the tests are just around the corner,and i am not well prepared,though i have no need to worry about failing the exams,i want a decent score anyway.and i know exactly that a good point will help nothing as you might have some princilples to follow when you sentence my love for you to death,my mind is totally a mess can a easy way be found to relief me.just being quite normal?well,there is no choice,all in my power now is just restraint. i ever got a plan to attend a course in holiday,but now i seem to be far away from it,firstly,the money is the biggest obstacle,besides,i prefer to return home,leading a one-month simple life all alone,doing some forgetting as's sort of exaggerated,but i really need that time,thoughts full of somebody like that had never flashed in my mind before,i can't keep deviating my tenet and i wanna be that "libertine" like Kinmizu,HaHa!!well,time for reviwe..time for girls.time for things beyond morality if possible. wow,i am awful...i am poor..
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