luyued 发布于 2011-01-21 14:32 浏览 N 次
唐山市宏忠钢铁有限公司作为中国最大的型钢出口供应商之一,唐山市宏忠钢铁有限公司是一家集生产、研发、内销和外贸为一体的大型综合性企业,年销量超过60万吨, 产品远销美国、加拿大、拉丁美洲、韩国、东南亚、中东地区、非洲、欧盟等30多个国家和地区。公司于2003年通过了ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,享有良好的市场信誉。公司的优势及特点: 我公司是实力雄厚的生产商:我们投资新建的工厂将于2007年6月投产一条目前中国唯一的一条专业轧制小型扁钢、方钢、圆钢的生产线, 年产量40万吨, 生产线采用10道连轧, 其中3道立轧, 具有高压水除鳞设备, 轧制出扁钢的边缘可以选择圆弧状, 也可以选择直边形状。投资150万美元的凉床使产品自然冷却, 新生产线具有自动矫直功能, 轧制产品的长度可以按客户需求进行调整. 美标产品规格: 宽度由1英寸, 到6英寸,厚度由3/16英寸到1-1/2英寸, 国标、日标、欧标产品: 宽度由30mm到150mm, 厚度由5mm到40mm。2007年7月将正式投产第2条生产线, 专业轧制欧标IPE UPE 及美标、欧标小型H型钢,以满足国际市场需求。 IPE的型号: 由10# 至30#, H型钢的型号: 由7.5# 至20# , 并且这些产品的CE认证工作正在积极进行之中。我公司以产品系列规格齐全而著称, 且以高质量的产品获得了客户的一致好评。 国标产品:工字钢从10#-30#,槽钢从5#-32#,角钢从2#-20#。日标槽钢产品的规格由5# 到30#, 目前我公司是全中国日标产品销量最大,产品型号最全的公司, 远销韩国、东南亚及中东地区, 月出口量超过1.5万吨, 韩国好多大的钢铁贸易企业都与我公司建立了长期的业务合作关系。美标产品: 在亚洲, 我公司是美标产品规格最全,销量最大的企业, 美标C型槽钢规格由1.5英寸到12英寸, 美标工字钢的规格由3英寸到12英寸, 等边角钢的规格由3/4英寸到8英寸, 不等边角钢由1英寸X 5/8英寸到8英寸X 6英寸, 产品规格齐全,每月出口到美国、加拿大的产品有3万多吨。欧标产品:我公司是唐山地区最早开发欧标工字钢的企业,改良型IPE规格从80#到240#,畅销中东市场。欧标等边角钢规格从25-200mm,欧标槽钢规格由80-200mm, 产品销往欧洲、中东、南美, 我公司正在加大欧标产品的开发力度, 使产品的品种规格更加齐全, 服务好我们的客户。 我公司具有丰富的产品资源优势和强大的新产品研发能力:由于型钢产品自身的特殊性, 规格型号多, 是有限的几条生产线难以完成的。因此, 我公司联合唐山地区13家最优秀的轧钢企业, 由我公司投入200多万美元的产品开发费用, 对美标、日标、欧标产品进行全面地开发, 整合优势资源, 服务于客户。我们拥有17条先进生产线,生产300多个规格的产品, 年产量超过200万吨, 为及时供货提供了强有力的保障, 而多年积累的雄厚技术实力使我们对新产品的研发处于同行业领先水平。我们建立了一支专业化的服务团队: 这支队伍熟悉各个国家及各种标准对型钢产品的不同要求,具有十几年的钢铁专业知识的积累,对出口的产品进行全面的质量跟踪。我公司拥有完善的质量保证体系和严格的产品质检队伍。我公司和美国的诺沃钢铁、丰田通商、美国工商五金公司等国际知名企业建立了长期合作伙伴关系,同时我公司也是国内大型钢铁国际贸易企业的优秀供应商,如:浙江物产国际集团,浙江远大、辽宁成大、天津中储、江苏舜天、中国五矿等著名公司都与我公司有着长期的业务合作。地理优势:唐山是中国钢铁产业中最具竞争力的中心基地,拥有丰富的铁矿石、焦炭资源,电力供应充沛,工业基础雄厚,是典型的沿海城市, 距离天津新港不到2个小时的行程。当地众多钢铁企业都是私营或股份制企业,生产效率高, 产品更新换代快,发展势头迅猛, 我公司是唐山地区型钢产业中的先锋企业。总之,我公司将一如继往地为客户提供优质的产品、真诚的服务,与客户分享我们共同创造的价值, 共同发展, 服务于社会. 欢迎您来电垂询及业务合作, 并恭候您的到来。 联系人:高清华 TEL:86-315-3365215 86- 13102693924FAX:86-315-3365562 HOTMAIL:tsgaoqinghua@hotmail.com gaoqinghua@hzgt.comdavidkao_8341@yahoo.com.cn Company profileAs one of the largest suppliers of the structural steel in china, Tang Shan Grand Faith Steel Co., Ltd is an enterprise focusing on production, R&D and export of structural steels. We handle more than 600,000 metric tons of steel per year, and distribute our products worldwide, such as USA, Canada, Latin-American, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, EU, and etc. We have been authenticated ISO9001:200 QSC and recognized by the customers from east and west as their reliable business partner with high reputation. Our Leading Edge: First, our company is a manufacturer with leading technical strength.Our new rolling line will come into production in June, 2007, and it is the only and most advanced one in China to professionally produce small size flat bars, square steel and round steel, with production capacity over 400,000 MT per year. It adopts high pressure hydraulic descaling &ten pass continuous rolling technology, and among the ten pass rollers, there are three pairs of edging rolls, so the flat bar can have the square edge or beveled one. We have invested 1.5 million USD to build up broad cooling bed that could cool huge quantity structural steel by air. The production line can straighten the finished products automatically, and cut them into any length according to clients’ requirements. The width of our ASTM standard flat bars ranges from 1’’to 6’’, and their thickness ranges from 3/16’’ to 1-1/2’’. The width of our JIS/EN standard flat bars ranges from 30mm to 150mm, and the thickness ranges from 5mm to 40mm.In July, 2007, our second production line will also run into production for standard IPE/UPE and small size H Beam to meet the changing requirements of our clients. Our standard IPE will range from 10# till 30#, and the H beams will range from 7.5# till 20# ,and the CE certificate for these products are just in the process.Second, Our Company has full range of sizes for ASTM/JIS/EN standardstructural steelswith reliable high quality. Our JIS standard channels ranges from 5# till 30#, and till now our company is one of the largest suppliers in China for JIS standard structural steel to overseas market. Our products enjoy high popularity in South Korea, and countries of Southeast Asia and Middle East, and we export more than 15,000MT per month to these regions. Some eminent trading companies from South Korea have established long-term business cooperation with us. Our ASTM standard products: In Asia, we are one of the largest suppliers for ASTM standard structural steels, and we have fullest ranges of sizes. Our ASTM C-channels range from 1.5’’ to 12’’;ASTM I-Beams range from 3’’ to 12’’; ASTM equal angles range from 3/4’’ to 8’’; ASTM unequal angles range from 1’’ x 5/8’’ to 8’’x6’’. We export more than 30,000MT per month to America and Canada market.Our EN standard products: our company is one of the earliest enterprises to develop EN standard I-beams in Tang Shan. Our modified IPE range from 80# to 240#, and they are well received in Middle East market. Our EN equal angles range from 25mm to 200mm; EN channels range from 80mm to 200mm. All of these products have distributed to EU, Middle East, and South America. To offer more new products with all specifications, to meet the ever-changing requirements of our clients, we will continue to make more investment on the R&D of new EN standard products. Third, Our Company has incomparable product resources and technical strength to develop the new products. Because of the characters of structural steel and the needs of more specifications and sizes, and they could not produced by only several production lines. We have united 13 leading rolling mills for partnership and cooperation, and have invested over 2 million USD R&D expenses to develop full range of ASTM/JIS/EN standard structural steel products, to integrate the best product resources to meet our customers’ demand. We have 17 most advanced rolling line with production capacity over 2 million MT per year, more than 300 sizes of products are produced, so we are much assured to deliver your orders on time. The leading technology strength we accumulated in the past years also keeps us a step ahead in the industry and business.Fourth, we have built up a professional team to service the customers. Our experts have rich experience in supplying products for clients from different countries with different international standards, and we know well about what customers need. We have strict QC system with professional team and we offer customers complete follow-up procedure for our product’s quality. We have established a long-term partnership with some international companies, such as Novo Steel, Toyota Tsusho Corp. CMC and etc. Meanwhile we are golden supplier to the leading steel trading companies in China, such as ZIMI, ZHEJIANG GRAND, LIAONING CHENGDA, JIANGSU SAINTY,CHINA MINMETALS CORP and etc.Fifth, we enjoyed great geographic advantages. Our city Tang Shan is the most competitive steel production base in china, with abundant iron ore, coke and rich electric power supply. As a typical coastal city, Tang Shan has a solid industrial basis, with less than 2 hours drive to XINGANG PORT. Most of the local steel mills are private ones or joint-stock companies, their productivity are quite high, and all the products upgrade very quickly. Our company is the pioneer enterprise in structural steel industry of tang Shan and China.To sum up, we will sincerely serve our clients with finest quality products, and share the value together with our customers, develop together for a better future and offer excellent service to our society. We are looking forward to the business cooperation with you. Please feel free to contact us for more details.CONTACTER:DAVID KAOTEL:86-315-3365215 86- 13102693924 FAX:86-315-3365562 HOTMAIL:tsgaoqinghua@hotmail.com gaoqinghua@hzgt.comdavidkao_8341@yahoo.com.cn
上一篇:江苏舜天股份有限公司招聘简介 下一篇:www.verytextile.com
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