luyued 发布于 2011-01-14 00:42 浏览 N 次曾写过一篇我淘换劳伦斯研究方面著作的小文http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4733d2f1010009ed.html,现整理出我的劳伦斯书架一晒,多是我买的便宜书,有些早就过时了,但能买到几十年前的书,偶尔翻翻也很好哈。有这些儿书,再加上网路,我自己就能成一个Lawrence centre。
Aldington, Richard: D.H.Lawrence, A Portrait of a Genius, but……, Macmillan, 1967
Allen, Walter: English Novel, From The Pilgrim’s Progress to Sons and Lovers, Penguin, 1991
Arnold, Armin: D.H.Lawrence and America, Philosophical Library, INC, New York, 1959
Ben-Ephraim, Gavriel: The Moon’s Dominion, Narrative Dichotomy and Female Dominance in
Lawrence’s Earlier Novels, Fairleigh Dickinson Uni. Press, 1981
Bloom, Harold(Ed): D.H.Lawrence, Chelsea House, 1986
Boulton, James T: On the Brink of the Unknown, The Hayloft Press, 1987
Bret, Dorothey: Lawrence and Brett, 1933
Bynner, Witter: Journey with Genious, Octagon Books,1974
Byrne, Janet: A Genius for living, A Biography of Frieda Lawrence, Bloomsbury, 1996
Callow, Philip: Son and Lover, The Young Lawrence, Stein and Day, 1975
Carswell, Catherine: The Savage Pilgrimage: A Narrative of D.H.Lawrence, Secker, 1951
Cavitch, David: D.H.Lawrence &the New World, Oxford, 1969
Chambers, Jessie: DH Lawrence, A Personal Record, CUP 1980
Chaudhuri, Amit: DH Lawrence and “Difference”, OUP 2003
Clarke, Colin(Edt): The Rainbow and Women in Love, Casebook, Macmillan 1969
Cowan, James C:D.H.Lawrence’s American Journey, A Study in Literature and Myth
Case Western Reserve Uni. Press, 1970
Cushman, Keith(Edt): D.H.Lawrence’s Literary Inheritors, St. Martin’s, 1991
Daiches, David: The Novel and the Modern World, Uni. of Chicago Press, 1973
Daleski, H.M: The Forked Flame, A Study of D.H.Lawrence, Northwestern Uni.Pre.1965
Darroch, Robert: D.H.Lawrence in Australia, Macmillan, 1981
Delanny, Paul: D.H.Lawrence’s Nightmare, Basic Books, 1978
Delavenay, Emile: D.H.Lawrence and Edward Carppenter, Taplinger, New York, 1971
Draper, Ronald: D.H.Lawrence,St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1964
Dyer, Geoff: Out of Sheer Rage: In the Shadow of D.H.Lawrence, Abacus, London, 2000
Dyson, A E(Genl. Ed.): Casebook Series: Lawrence: Sons and Lovers,
Ed by Gamini Salgado, Macmillan, 1973
Dyson, A E(Genl. Ed.): Casebook Series: Lawrence: The Rainbow and Women in Love,
Ed by Colin Clarke, Macmillan, 1969
Ellis, David &Mills, Howard: D.H.Lawrence’s Non-fiction, Cambridge, 1988
Ellis, David: D.H.Lawrence (3): dying game, 1922-1930(Cambridge Biography),1998
Fay, Eliot: Lorenzo in Search of the Sun, Bookman Association, Inc.,New York, 1953
Fernihough, Anne(Et.): The Cambridge Companion to D.H.Lawrence, Cambridge,2001
Feinstein, Elaine: Lawrence and the Women, the Intimate Life, HarperCollins, New York, 1993,
Gadd, David: The Loving Friends, A portrait of Bloomsbury, Readers Union, 1976
Gordon, David J.: D.H.Lawrence as a Literary Critic, Yale Uni. Press, 1966
Green, Martin: The von Richthofen Sisters:The Triuphant and the Tragic Modes of Love
Uni. of New Mexico Press, 1988
Gregory, Horace: Pilgrim of the Apocalypse, Grove Press, 1957
Greiff, Louis: D.H.Lawrence, fifty years on film, S. Illinois Uni.Press2001
Hamalian, Leo: D.H.Lawrence and Nine Women Writers, Fairleigh Dickinson Uni.Press, 1996
Heywood, Christopher: D.H.Lawrence New Studies, St. Martin’s Press, new york, 1987
Hilton, Enid: More Than One Life, A Nottinghamshire Childhood with DH Lawrence, Alan Sutton 1993
Hobsbaum, Philip: A Reader’s Guide to D.H.Lawrence, Thames and Hundson 1981
Hoggart,Richard: Between Two Worlds, Aurum Press, 2001
Hough, Graham: The Dark Sun, A study of D.H.Lawrence, Pelican, 1961
Hyde, G.M: D.H.Lawrence, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1990
Jarrestt-Kerr, Martin: D.H.Lawrence and Human Existence, booksellers isers, New York, 1971
Kinkead-Weekes, Mark(Ed): Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Rainbow,
Printice-Hall, 1971
Kinkead-Weekes, D.H.Lawrence(2), triumph to exile, 1912-1922, Cambridge biography 1996
Kermode, Frank: Lawrence, Fontana,1973
LaCahapelle, Dolores: D.H.Lawrence, Future Primitive, Uni. of North Texas Press, 1996
Lawrence, Frieda: Not I, But the Wind…, Intro. by Margaret Drabble, Granada, 1983
Leavis, F.R.: D.H.Lawrence: Novelist, Pelican, 1981
Leavis, F.R.: The Common Pursuit, Peregrine, 1963
Leavis, F.R.: The Great Tradition, Peregrine,1983
Levy, Mervyn: Paintings of D.H.Lawrence, Viking, 1964
Lucas, Robert: Frieda Lawrence, Secker, 1973
Luhan, Mabel Dodge: Edge of Taos Desert, An Escape to Reality, Uni. New Mexico, Press, 1987
Macleod, Sheila: Lawrence’s Men and Women, Paladin, 1987
Maddox, Brenda: D.H.Lawrence,the story of a marriage, Norton, 1996
Maddox, Brenda: The Married Man, A life of D.H.Lawrence, Sinclari-Stevenson,1994
Mensch, Barbara: D.H.Lawrence and the authoritarian Personality, St Matin’s 1991
Meyers, Jeffrey(Etd) : D.H.Lawrence and Tradition, Uni. of Massachusetts Press, 1985
Michelucci, Stefania: Space and Place in the Works of D.H.Lawrence, McFarland &Company,2002
Millett, Robert: The Vultures and the Phoenix: A Study of the Paintings of DH Lawrence, 1983
Moore, Harry T.: The Priest of Love: A Life of D.H.Lawrence, Penguin,1980
Moore, Harry T: A D.H.Lawrence Miscellany, Southern Illinois Uni. Press, 1959
Moore, Harry T.: The Intelligent Heart: The Story of D.H.Lawrence, Penguin,1960
Moore·Roberts: D.H.Lawrence and his world, Viking, 1966
Moore·Roberts: D.H.Lawrence , Thames and Hudson, 1988
Mori, Haruhide(Edt): A Conversation on D.H.Lawrence , Friends of the UCLA,1974
Moynahan, Julian: The Deed of Life, the novels and tales of D.H.Lawrence, Princeton, 1963
Nin, Anais: D.H.Lawrence, An unprofessional study, Swallow, 1964
Niven, Alastair: D.H. Lawrence, the Novels, Cambridge, 1978
Pinkney, Tony: D.H. Lawrence and Modernism, Uni. of Iowa Press, 1990
Polhemus, Robert M.: Erotic Faith: Being in Love from Jane Austen to D.H.Lawrence, Uni. Chicago, 1990
Poplawski, Paul: D.H.Lawrence, A Reference Companion, Greenwood, 1996
Raskin, Jonah: The Mythology of Imperialism, Random House, 1971
Rolph, C.H(Ed):The Trial ofLady Chatterley, Penguin, 1990
Ruderman, Judith: D.H.Lawrence and the Devouring Mother, 1984
Sagar, Keith: D.H.Lawrence’s Paitings, Chaucer Press, London, 2003
Sagar, Keith: D.H.Lawrence: A Calendar of His Works, Uni. of Texas Press,1979
Sagar, Keith: The Life of D.H.Lawrence:, Pantheon Books, New York, 1980
Sagar, Keith: D.H.Lawrence: Life into Art, Uni.of Georgia Press, 1985
Sagar, Keith: D.H.Lawrence and New Mexico, Gibb Smith, 1982
Salgado, Gamini: Sons and Lovers, Casebook, Macmillan 1969
Sargent and Watson(Edt): Approaches to Teaching the Works of D.H.Lawrence,2001
Seymour, Miranda: Ottoline Morell, life on the grand scale, Sceptre, 1993
Sinha, Radha Krishna: Literary Influences on D.H.Lawrence,Delhi, 1985
Smith, Anne(Ed): Lawrence and Women, Vision Press, 1980
Spencer, Roy: D.H.Lawrence Country, Cecil Woolf, London, 1980
Spender, Stephen(Et.): D.H.Lawrence: novelist, poet, prophet, Harper &Row, NY,1973
Spilka, Mark(Ed): D.H.Lawrence, Prentice-Hall, 1963
Spilka, Mark:The Love Ethic of D.H.Lawrence, Indiana University,1955
Squires, Michael &Jackson, Dennis: D.H.Lawrence’s “Lady”, A New Look at Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Uni. of Georgia Press, 1985
Stevens, C.J: The Cornish Nightmare(Lawrence in Conwall), John Wade, 1996
Stevens, C.J: Lawrence at Tregerthen, Whitston, 1988
Stewart, Jack: The Vital Art pf DH Lawrence, Vision and expression_r_r, 2001
Tytell, John: Passionate Lives, Carol Publishing Group, 1991
Tindall, William York:D.H.Lawrence and Susan his Cow, Columbia, 1939
Trotter, David: Paronoid Modernism, Oxford, 2001
Weiss, Daniel A: Oedipus in Nottingham: D.H.Lawrence,Uni. Washington, 1962
Worthen, John: D.H.Lawrence: A Literary Life, St. Martin’s Press, New York,1989
Worthen, John: D.H.Lawrence(1): the early years,1885-1912(Cambridge Biography),1992
Worthen, John: D.H.Lawrence The Life of an Outsider, Counterpoint, 2005- 07-01· 禁教唐诗算术能还幼儿快
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