luyued 发布于 2011-01-13 16:36 浏览 N 次 There was a big company located in St. Louis, Missouri. One day, after lunch, all the staff saw a poster beside the gate of the company. The poster read: “Yesterday a clerk who had long impeded(阻碍) your promotion passed away. Therefore, we would like to invite you to a farewell memorial in the stadium now.”
All the staff were standing in line, saying goodbye to the deceased one by one. However, when they approached the coffin and looking inside, they found nothing inside but a crystal mirror. Everyone who looked inside could only see his or her face. Looking carefully, you could also see a piece of paper attached next to the mirror saying: the only one who can restrain your development is yourself!
You are the only one who can change your life. You are also the only one who can determine your happiness, dreams and achievements and who can help yourself. Your boss may change, your friends may change, your partners many change and your company may change. But your life will not be changed due to all these. Only when you change yourself, break the limit of your thinking pattern and brave your responsibilities can you change your life for better!
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