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luyued 发布于 2011-01-12 02:06   浏览 N 次  

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接 世界服装鞋帽网 鞋帽招商网 ,服装营销技巧 导购销售技巧 英文相关文献: nike product of a unique design of novel and known, the three new series called Road is the most flexible of its earthquake relief system. nike shox cushioning system is flexible nike company in November to officially launch the latest global sports technology, which after 16 years of marathon At the same time, nike shox series of sports nike shoes through the history of footwear is the longest and most developed rigorously tested products. Heel cushioning of the stretch-shape design inspired by the rocket boosters; silver uppers are creative design manufactured from 1995 silver Porsche. NIKESHOX stretch earthquake relief-not an ordinary materials, but a high-tech high elastic foam wear resistance of materials, mainly used in the past, a Formula One chassis suspension system. These flexible ease the principle of earthquake-like trampoline. "Absorb the impact and control the whereabouts of energy, and rapidly progressive Backstepping. Nike company flexibility in the new nike shox cushioning system was first used in advertising "BOING" word. "Boing" is a Onomatopoeias, as the voice of a rebound. NIKE SHOX is described sports shoes give the impression of flexibility athletes, but also summed up the image of the NIKE SHOX cushioning system flexibility functional flexibility. NIKE SHOX and to the world of sound "Boing" in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Olympic Games, the United States Dream Team of Carter, a Jason Kidd, a Tim Hardaway, a Houston Allen, a Rahim Abdullah in all matches are held in wearing basketball nike shoes NIKE nike shox. After the end of the Olympic Games, no any poured, he and co-produced by the Dayton of nike latest production for nike shox called "Boing" advertising videos. In this NIKE SHOX basketball nike shoes advertisements, known as the "gloves" reputation in the NBA to prevent abandon Payton said no final closure to the "Peter Pan" Carter, accompanied by the "Boing" sound, NIKE SHOX of the latter wearing a bomb Payton huge high explosive wig incomparably beautiful dunk. According to nike's engineer, nike shox series is because the heel of the damping suspension system named (nike shox intended to shock absorbers). This system over the past 20 years and has been used in the nike air-cushion system compared technical leap forward. With the same as spring made of flexible foam 4 column, the new sports nike shoes with air cushion not only the role of buffer, but also to provide thrust. Bubble column with four instead of ordinary Heels, it sounds like easy, but it is never easy to do. In order to make sports nike shoes are consistent with the requirements of human biomechanics, at the same time, people dressed to withstand the process of whatever wear, development personnel of the last few years tests. Subsequently, studies were also initiated in accordance with the needs of different sports designed nike shox series of running nike shoes, basketball nike shoes and Dance nike shoes. In fact, this spring will be the introduction of the nike shoes from design concept can be traced back to a century ago. The late Harvard professor of applied mechanics and biology Thomas McMahon first proposed the "coordination" the concept of the runway, adding that the runway damping material to improve the speed and reduce the risk of the injured athletes. He said that perhaps we can use the ordinary spring sports nike shoes can be a coordination of sports nike shoes. Nike Company in 1984 is heard his design concept,the idea started to use the sports nike shoes in the design and manufacture.;鞋服大全123 任奥网络科技 服装报价 辅料报价 面料报价 北京服装网 中国皮具门户网 时尚服饰网 ,north face jacket;国际鞋业网 站西鞋城 ,更名为广州穿越服装 - 穿越服装 - 新浪BLOG 英文相关文献: nike product of a unique design of novel and known, the three new series called Road is the most flexible of its earthquake relief system. nike shox cushioning system is flexible nike company in November to officially launch the latest global sports technology, which after 16 years of marathon At the same time, nike shox series of sports nike shoes through the history of footwear is the longest and most developed rigorously tested products. Heel cushioning of the stretch-shape design inspired by the rocket boosters; silver uppers are creative design manufactured from 1995 silver Porsche. NIKESHOX stretch earthquake relief-not an ordinary materials, but a high-tech high elastic foam wear resistance of materials, mainly used in the past, a Formula One chassis suspension system. These flexible ease the principle of earthquake-like trampoline. "Absorb the impact and control the whereabouts of energy, and rapidly progressive Backstepping. Nike company flexibility in the new nike shox cushioning system was first used in advertising "BOING" word. "Boing" is a Onomatopoeias, as the voice of a rebound. NIKE SHOX is described sports shoes give the impression of flexibility athletes, but also summed up the image of the NIKE SHOX cushioning system flexibility functional flexibility. NIKE SHOX and to the world of sound "Boing" in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Olympic Games, the United States Dream Team of Carter, a Jason Kidd, a Tim Hardaway, a Houston Allen, a Rahim Abdullah in all matches are held in wearing basketball nike shoes NIKE nike shox. After the end of the Olympic Games, no any poured, he and co-produced by the Dayton of nike latest production for nike shox called "Boing" advertising videos. In this NIKE SHOX basketball nike shoes advertisements, known as the "gloves" reputation in the NBA to prevent abandon Payton said no final closure to the "Peter Pan" Carter, accompanied by the "Boing" sound, NIKE SHOX of the latter wearing a bomb Payton huge high explosive wig incomparably beautiful dunk. According to nike's engineer, nike shox series is because the heel of the damping suspension system named (nike shox intended to shock absorbers). This system over the past 20 years and has been used in the nike air-cushion system compared technical leap forward. With the same as spring made of flexible foam 4 column, the new sports nike shoes with air cushion not only the role of buffer, but also to provide thrust. Bubble column with four instead of ordinary Heels, it sounds like easy, but it is never easy to do. In order to make sports nike shoes are consistent with the requirements of human biomechanics, at the same time, people dressed to withstand the process of whatever wear, development personnel of the last few years tests. Subsequently, studies were also initiated in accordance with the needs of different sports designed nike shox series of running nike shoes, basketball nike shoes and Dance nike shoes. In fact, this spring will be the introduction of the nike shoes from design concept can be traced back to a century ago. The late Harvard professor of applied mechanics and biology Thomas McMahon first proposed the "coordination" the concept of the runway, adding that the runway damping material to improve the speed and reduce the risk of the injured athletes. He said that perhaps we can use the ordinary spring sports nike shoes can be a coordination of sports nike shoes. Nike Company in 1984 is heard his design concept,the idea started to use the sports nike shoes in the design and manufacture.;创奇服装服务网 中国亵服品牌网 佧色伊服饰 手绘鞋批发 淘宝网服装 中国服装网 鞋服超市增高鞋 裁缝展子 服装店 西部品牌服饰网 北京工作服订做 广东内衣网 连锁山东 公司简介 | 会员服务 | 接洽我们 | 友谊链接 | 隐私声明 | 支付中心 | 法律声明 | 在线留言 | 参加珍藏 中国在线招商网 Copyright (c)2008 版权所有 技巧支撑:任奥科技
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