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蒂芬尼的早餐 &moon river

luyued 发布于 2011-01-11 06:16   浏览 N 次  
放松一下自己,重温一遍蒂芬尼的早餐,看看赫本娇俏可爱、调皮不羁的表演,听听美妙的电影浪漫主题曲moon river。moon river - andy williamsmoon river, wider than a mile
i'm crossing you in style some day
oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
wherever you're goin', i'm goin' your way
two drifters, off to see the world
there's such a lot of world to see
we're after the same rainbow's end, waitin''round the bend
my huckleberry friend, moon river, and meoh, dream maker, you heart breaker
wherever you're goin', i'm goin' your way
two drifters, off to see the world
there's such a lot of world to see
we're after the same rainbow's end, waitin''round the bend
my huckleberry friend, moon river, and memoon river, moon river...