luyued 发布于 2011-01-10 23:42 浏览 N 次嘿嘿~~我们英语课这几天正在学十四行诗——Sonnet。后来老师让每人写一首出来,可以写Petrarchan类型的,也可以写Shakespearean类型的,我选的是莎士比亚的那种。韵脚是ababcdcdefefgg,由于加上抑扬格(也就相当于中国诗歌里的平仄)太不好写了,所以老师说可以忽略它。正好我这几天刚看完福尔摩斯《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》,于是就以此为题材写了一首~~~献丑了:
The Hound of the Baskervilles
In the dark moors roams a ghostly hound,
Enormous is its body and black is its hair.
For revenge and curse it haunts the ground,
For hate its eyes glow with smouldering glare.
The baronet met his most mysterious death,
for the sake of his ancestor's crime and sin.
In the gloomy night filled with devil's breath,
The truth is blurred and the adventures begin.
With a brilliant brain, an assistant and a pipe,
Sherlock Holmes will solve this case.
When the mist is dispersed and the opportunity is ripe,
The net is fixed and here begins the fatal chase.
The fight is thrilling, yet law and justice prevail,
Whoever challenges Holmes is doomed to fail.
类别:霍格沃茨图书馆 查看评论
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