luyued 发布于 2011-06-09 04:33 浏览 N 次In the past, the zetas have addressed sources of information that don't necessarily have a "prediction track record", including such sources as the Urantia Book, among others. While I understand the rule involved, which could otherwise drag them into commenting on every sect, cult, religion and personality that has an opinion, there are some sources that have such a grip on large segments of what I would term the "truth-seeking population" that understanding whether they are 'legitimate' or not can be very imp
As we carefully pointed out at the start of the ZetaTalk saga, wishful thinking will not avert the pole shift, nor will those who hope to avoid the pole shift simply shift to 4th density by any mechanism they can control. We have explained that those solidly in the Service-to-Other are offered a Lift during the hour of the pole shift, in order to survive the shift and thus be able to help others during the Aftertime. This is not an escape from the horrors, but rather a desire on the part of these highly Service-to-Other humans to be intensely of service at a time of great need. Most refuse this offer of a Lift, as the hour of the pole shift is on
Beyond the issue of the intent of the Lift vs how it was twisted into the concept of the Ascension are very similar messages about being able to alter physical reality by wishful thinking. Such theories are beyond ridiculous, as if man were able to do this, then this would be in process today! What are they waiting for? Cure cancer, melt away birth defects, eliminate starvation and quell disease and crime. All of these scourges continue unabated. Are the wishes of those affected not fervent enough? It is obvious that wishing a physical situation away does not work! Beyond this argument is the on
That said, what is the purpose of such organizations as the Cassiopaeians, who purport that an Ascension into 4th density to avoid the pole shift is possible. If this were possible, then surely there is solid proof, where the media attends an Ascension, an escape into 4th density, and those adhearing to the Cassiopaeian belief disappear into thin air in front of the cameras. Prove it, is our statement! They have zero credibility, a zero track record on truthfulness on any of their pronouncements. Why is such a ridiculous theory even contemplated by the public? This is a form of denial, and won't be the last such ridiculous belief that will arise as the Earth changes become more threatening. It sells. It gains converts.
Denial in its hardest form is such that even the fact of the Earth changes and presence of Planet X is denied. There stands the planet in the skies, but it is not there. The roads heaved by earthquakes such that even a bike cannot wend its way, not acknowledged. Mother sends father out to go get some more groceries, and when he reports the situation, she does not believe it can be true. If he takes her to the road, she shakes her head and walks away dazed, and later asks him to go for groceries again, taking an alternate route. Most in denial will not go into hard denial, but some alternate version. Our predictions on the scope of disaster will not come true. Perhaps we are wrong or misguided. Even if it does occur, the government will rescue its citizens. But best of all is to simply imagine that on
I have a question about the STO ET groups. The Zetas said there are 1000 such races/civilizations working together in 40 working groups which have divided up the world so that efforts are not duplicated. They have been very clear that they are responsible for the USA. Have the Zetas taken all of North America or just the USA? Are the working groups divided by political boundaries for their efforts, or religions, or races? Can the Zetas say? But that is just the preliminary part of the question. We are instructed to make the call if we are STO, and the call will be answered. In the US we know the call will be answered by Zetas. Can the Zetas tell us or make a list of what groups are in charge of what areas? I had a friend in Norway ask who would answer if he called. And Australia, and Asia. Is it ok for those in every area to know who to contact? I could guess there are Arcturans, Andromedians, Sirians, Pleiadians, Orions, Lyrans, but there is no way for me to list 1000 star systems that are here, let alone the working groups. Groups implies several, even in the USA, but all they have mentioned is themselves. Is it helpful to know who you are calling, or who is answering, or is it better to assume that is not imp
Humans, those who are highly Service-to-Other and rescued from certain death if this would not disrupt the Element of Doubt, do not answer the Call. These humans are considered to be in 3rd density, spiritually, as they will not graduate until their next incarnation, regardless of their living circumstances. The Call is given and answered almost immediately, by the relevant spiritual orientation. If the Call is given in the spirit of Service-to-Other, it is answered by visitors in that orientation, who are in close communication with each other as to workload distribution and any prior contacts by this particular contactee. This is likewise true of Calls given from a selfish motive, which is answered by ambassadors from the Service-to-Self. Just what their arrangements are we decline to detail, as we are the Service-to-Other Zetas and do not steep ourselves in their practices.
Most visitors in attendance during Earth's Transformation are not hominoid. That humans want to know what hominoids they would be getting, if giving the Call, is frankly laughable. That's not how it works! This is not like choosing on
It is irrelevant what life form responds to the Call. Those who are protesting that they must meet with a hominoid, and more particularly a hominoid from a particular star system, are simply throwing up roadblocks. On
Will earthquakes from the New Madrid adjustment affect those living in cities in the New England area?
As is known, there is a fault line running up along the East Coast of the US that attaches to the New Madrid fault line in the Gulf. Both fault lines touch there, in the Gulf, and when the New Madrid adjusts there is a sympathetic adjustment up along this fault line. During the last New Madrid adjustment, church bells rang in Boston and cracks appeared in buildings in Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC. These changes are caused by earthquakes equivalent to a magnitude 4-5 or less, not serious.
Will the zetas allow a nuclear disaster in japan or will they stop it? [and from another] Radioactive Releases in Japan Could Last Months, Experts Say [Mar 13]http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/world/asia/japan-fukushima-nuclear-reactor.html The central problem arises from a series of failures that began after the tsunami. It easily overcame the sea walls surrounding the Fukushima plant. It swamped the diesel generators, which were placed in a low-lying area, apparently because of misplaced confidence that the sea walls would protect them. At 3:41 p.m. Friday, roughly an hour after the quake and just around the time the region would have been struck by the giant waves, the generators shut down. According to Tokyo Electric Power Company, the plant switched to an emergency cooling system that operates on batteries, but these were soon depleted. The problem was compounded because gauges in the reactor seemed to have been damaged in the earthquake or tsunami, making it impossible to know just how much water is in the core. [and from another] ZT has mentioned 3rd Density to 4th Density transformations on other planets, with other civilizations. If and when such transformations involved massive physical change threats to a planet and its civilization, such as in the impact on earth by the upcoming Pole Shift, is it sometimes, often or always the case that there are 'timely and very public precursor opportunities' prior to the mainstream of the massive planetary transformation events for such civilizations to 'clean up their act' and 'right their ship' with regard to their most dangerous, most threatening technologies? (aka "the early bird catches the worm") In other words, if and when there are 7/10, 8/10 and 9/10 type of event sequences and physical change threats to such planets, have the Zetas observed in other transformation cases across the Milky Way Galaxy that God seems often to use a beneficent, yet stern hand to enable early and uniquely public opportunities during 7/10 type of "precursor" events on such planets for said planet's civilization to "get their act together" and mitigate "excessive" planetary transformation induced damage by breaking down the technologies that constitute the gravest threats to their civilization prior to catastrophic failures of such threatening technologies during a massive planetary physical transformation?
Have benign aliens been allowed to interfere with the Japanese power plant meltdown, limiting the damage? Yes, but they have not interfered to the degree possible, for the following reasons. Mankind, especially the elite in charge of running planet Earth, have been arrogant in the face of our predictions about the cataclysmic changes facing Earth. The elite have been aware of our predictions since the time of Roswell, yet their reactions were on
As we have explained, we are not allowed to warn of specific pending earthquakes or tidal waves, by the rule of non-interference. We have on
The failure of the elite in Japan and elsewhere around the world to take our message seriously resulted in a situation where the Japanese assumed that the sea would not breach their seawalls, and thus their backup generators would be dry. This failed, the generators swamped by seawater. They assumed no failures in any electrical devices or cooling rods, a highly na?ve assumption in light of what a magnitude 9+ earthquake can do. Unless nuclear power plants are shut down well ahead of time, so the cooling rods are inserted fully and the plant safe regardless of any quake activity, such accidents can and will happen elsewhere in the world, as they will at Japan's other nuclear plants. Man must do without his electricity, if this is the choice. Do we expect the elite, who want to placate the sheeple and garner wealth though industrial development, to listen? No, but we anticipate the pressure from the public to increase. The rest is in the hand of man!
None of the maps on that page even show Newfoundland. Nova Scotia is the furthest east they show.
Newfoundland, as with Quebec and Nova Scotia, will have much of its landmass above the waves after the pole shift and the 675 foot rise in sea level expected within two years after the pole shift. Being hardy folk, with sea faring skills, the survivors will also do well, feeding themselves from the sea as well as gardening in a climate that will be much warmer than at present. The splitting of the Seaway during the pole shift will result in Newfoundland gaining an extra 50 feet in elevation, as the region will bounce up when the Seaway rips. Housed on the same rock strata and Nova Scotia, Newfoundland will find it is further from Quebec, after the split, as the Seaway will broaden along the rock strata boundaries that runs along the Seaway and thence north of Newfoundland.
As with the New England states, and eastern Canada in general, Newfoundland will find its greatest burden after the pole shift to be migrants from the crowded East Coast of the US. Boatloads of these noisy and demanding migrants will arrive and refuse to be turned away. A firm immigration policy should be established, with houseboat living presented as the alternative. Container gardening can be done on a houseboat, and fishing and housekeeping also. Force these immigrants to do their own work, and refuse to be turned into a servant class. Houseboats can migrate along the new coastline, through what is now northern Canada (which will become flooded lands) and thence to Alaska, a very tropical target. Expelling the selfish, on their houseboats, is thus not cruel, but merely a means of forcing them to take care of themselves.
Will the M.9 earthquake of Japan affect the sinking pace of Indonesia?
If the pressure on the point where the Pacific Plate noses into Japan was immense enough to cause the recent 9.1 quake there, what do you suppose the pressure is on the edge of the Philippine Plate, and the vulnerable Mariana Trench? This is why in our 7 of 10 scenarios we predicted that these plates would fold. The Mariana Trench collapses, tilting the Mariana Plate and pushing it under the Mariana Islands, and the Philippine Plate tilts and pushes under the Philippine Islands. This process has sarted, but hardly completed as yet. Then look at the point where the Pacific Plate noses into the plate tongue holding Indonesia. This again is a pressure point, and the fracture of small platelets there shows how much pressure has been applied in the past.
The reason the Japan quake happened at this time is because the points south have been compressing, making the Japan point the point of greatest pressure. The Indo-Australia
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