聆听李小龙畅谈武道哲学与电影:1971年珍贵访谈 (文字版)1
luyued 发布于 2011-01-26 18:42 浏览 N 次Introduction
Many if not all fansof Bruce Lee cannot actually say they know him personally, all wecan do is to build up an image of what we have heard, read or seen,which may or may not be the entire truth. The Lost Interview is onesuch medium which reveals the real Bruce Lee to some extent - BruceLee the human being. I highly recommend any fan of Bruce to watchthis interview with him, as it brings home what the man was reallyabout.
Bruce Lee "The LostInterview"
The special ''LostInterview'' on The Pierre Berton Show
The one that startedit all. Described by Lee''s friends, family and students as being"vintage Bruce," The "Lost" Interview has quickly become a classicand is the only surviving interview on film. Bruce is interviewedby Canadian journalist Pierre Berton.
Pierre Berton: wellhow can you play in Mandarin movies if you don''t even speakMandarin?
Bruce Lee: well firstof all, I speak only Cantonese.
Bruce Lee: so, Imean, there is quite a difference as pronunciation and things likethat is concerned.
Pierre: so somebodyelse''s voice is used right?
Bruce Lee:definitely, definitely!!
Pierre: so you justmake the words...doesn''t that sound strange when you go to themovies, especially in Hong Kong, your home town, and you seeyourself with somebody else''s voice?
Bruce Lee: well notreally, you see, because most of the mandarin pictures here aredubbed anyway.
Pierre: they''redubbed anyway?
Bruce Lee: anyway. Imean in this regard, they shoot without sound. So it doesn''t makeany difference.
Pierre: your lipsnever quite make the right words, do they?
Bruce Lee: yeah, wellthat''s where the difficulty lies, you see. I mean in orderto....the Cantonese have a different way of saying things....I meandifferent from the mandarin. so I have to find, like, somethingsimilar to that in order to keep a kind of a feeling going behindthat (in my films). Something, you know, matching the mandarindeal. Does it sound complicated?
Pierre: just like inthe silent picture days. the old silent days. I gather that in themovies made here the dialogue is pretty stilted anyway.
Bruce Lee: yeah, Iagree with you. I mean, see, to me, a motion picture is motion. Imean, you''ve got to keep the dialogue down to theminimum.
Pierre: did you lookat mainly Mandarin movies before you started playing in your firstone?
Bruce Lee:yes.
Pierre: what did youthink of them?
Bruce Lee: qualitywise, I mean, I would have to admit that it''s not quite up to thestandard. However, it is growing and it is getting higher andhigher and going toward that standard that I would termquality.
Pierre: they say thesecret of your success in that movie, the ''Big Boss'', that wassuch a success here and rocketed you to stardom in Asia, was thatyou did your own fighting.
Bruce Lee:uh-huh.
Pierre: as an expertin the various martial arts in China, what did you think of thefighting that you saw in the movies that you studied before youbecame a star?
Bruce Lee: well, Imean, definitely in the beginning, I had no intention whatsoever,that what I was practicing, and what I''m still practicing nowwould lead to this, to begin with. But martial art has had a very,very deep meaning as far as my life is concerned because, as anactor, as a martial artist, as a human being, all these I havelearned from martial art.
Pierre: maybe for ouraudience who doesn''t know what it means, you might be able toexplain what exactly you mean by martial art?
Bruce Lee: right.martial art includes all the combative arts likeKarate...
Bruce Lee: ...orKarate, Judo (agrees), Chinese Gung-fu, or Chinese boxing, whateveryou call it. All those, you see, like, Aikido, Korean Karate, andon and on and on. But it''s a combative form of fighting. I meansome of them became sport, but some of them art still not. I meansome of them use, for intense, kicking to the groin, jabbingfingers to the eyes, things like that.
Pierre: no wonderyou''re successful in it! the Chinese movies are full of this kindof action anyway...they needed a guy like you! (they bothlaugh)
Bruce Lee: violence,man!
Pierre: so youdidn''t have to use a double when you moved into the motion picturerole here.
Bruce Lee:no.
Pierre: you did itall yourself?
Bruce Lee:right.
Pierre: can you breakfive or six pieces of wood with your hand or foot?
Bruce Lee: I''dprobably break my hand and foot!
(they bothlaugh)
Pierre: tell me alittle bit....you set up a school in Hollywood didn''tyou?
Bruce Lee:yes.
Pierre: for peoplelike James Garner, Steve McQueen and the others.
Bruce Lee:yes.
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