[转载]It Starts Here!
luyued 发布于 2011-01-31 23:52 浏览 N 次
原文地址:It Starts Here!作者:chinanite89Oh well, I've always been saying that blogging is a waste of time and it's for people that don't have a life. Guess what? I'm in!
My folks have been using Sina blog for quite some time and garnered plenty of interests from friends all over internet. The blog is a place for them to share their journeys with friends, express their insights on life, or simply jot down little things in life that are noteworthy. That intrigues me since I would love to have a whole “log book” many years later for me to reminisce over just how much I've been through.
So here it is, my personal blog. I love the simplicity it offers, just what I needed.
Ca part d'ici | It starts here
My folks have been using Sina blog for quite some time and garnered plenty of interests from friends all over internet. The blog is a place for them to share their journeys with friends, express their insights on life, or simply jot down little things in life that are noteworthy. That intrigues me since I would love to have a whole “log book” many years later for me to reminisce over just how much I've been through.
So here it is, my personal blog. I love the simplicity it offers, just what I needed.
Ca part d'ici | It starts here
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