Saved here for rememberance_Hugh & Moritz before 2008
luyued 发布于 2011-01-31 12:36 浏览 N 次Well,though my E isn't very influent,i still want to express with it...
Though my English is not very good, I still want to express myself in it.
Once,someone said to me:Any Rationalist who wants to argue with Irrationalist is stupid. So, i opposed it tenderly, cos i'am neither Rationalist nor Irrationalist exactly.. nevertheless, i think i prefer R to I..
Someone once said to me,’ It’s stupid for any rationalist to argue with an irrationalist.’ Personally I oppose it slightly, because I'am neither a rationalist nor an irrationalist in their full sense. Nevertheless, I think I prefer rationalism to irrationalism.
In my point of view, I -- just like Artist , Writer... must have some traits, in general, this's creativity or some romantic ideas usw.. Life for them, merely, is a stuff, who wants to feel and to express with his brain, brush and pigment are similarly to be used from this phenomenal world. it seems the function just as analogical as our Creator's...
In my point of view, I, just like artists , writers, etc, must have some traits in general. I mean creativity or some romantic ideas. For them life is nothing more than the material they feel and express with. The brush and the pigment are similarly to be used from this phenomenal world. It seems the function the way our Creator does.
For Rationalist, everyone thinks Reason is paramount and which can explain all our universe, a bit haughty as i say, as same as Science, Life for them, still have some unknown quantity, heh, Creator may not letting human to discover all the details of Him.
Every rationalist thinks reason is paramount and can explain all our universe, which seems a bit haughty as i say. Something like Science. For them life has some unknown qualities. Creator may not let human discover all the details of His.
Art, is a way of loafing, romantically, we can glimpse the divine lights through it...nothing less,nothing more, perhaps, only R can lead us approaching to God, albeit it isn't flawless... we could find, that's the limits of our humankind...
Art, is a way of loafing, romantically.We can glimpse the divine light through it...nothing less,nothing more. Perhaps, only reason can lead us to approach God, albeit it isn't flawless... We could find that's the limits of we humankind...
Eh...this is my first time to write in E, just an attempt, however, i like it rather than C.. ironically
Eh...this is my first time to write in English. It’s just an attempt, however. I like it more than Chinese. Ironically.
To be continue...
To be continued
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