luyued 发布于 2011-01-27 20:41 浏览 N 次教育部认可的美国大学名单
The Academy of Hair Design (Wenatchee)
ALPS Language School (Seattle)
Apollo College (Spokane)
Art Institute of Seattle (Seattle)
Ashmead College (Seattle)
B. J.'s Beauty & Barber College (Tacoma)
Bastyr University (Kenmore)
Bates Technical College (Tacoma)
Bellevue Beauty School (Bellevue)
Bellevue Community College (Bellevue)
Bellingham Beauty School, Inc. (Bellingham)
Bellingham Technical College (Bellingham)
Big Bend Community College (Moses Lake)
B.J.'s Beauty & Barber College (Puyallup)
Brenneke School of Massage (Seattle)
Bryman College (Lynnwood)
Bryman College (Renton)
Business Computer Training Institute (Everett)
Cascadia Community College (Bothell)
Central Washington University (Ellensburg)
Centralia College (Centralia)
Chetta's Academy of Hair & Nails (Port Angeles)
City University (Bellevue)
Clare's Beauty College (Pasco)
Clark College (Vancouver)
Clover Park Technical College (Lakewood)
Columbia Basin College (Pasco)
Cornish College of the Arts (Seattle)
Court Reporting Institute (Seattle)
Crace, Inc. (Bellevue)
Crown College (Tacoma)
DigiPen Institute of Technology (Redmond)
Divers Institute of Technology (Seattle)
Eastern Washington University (Cheney)
Edmonds Community College (Lynnwood)
Emil Fries School of Piano Tuning & (Vancouver)
Eton Technical Institute (Everett)
Eton Technical Institute (Federal Way)
Eton Technical Institute, Inc. (Tacoma)
Eton Technical Institute - Port Orchard (Port Orchard)
Everett Beauty Academy (Everett)
Everett Community College (Everett)
Evergreen Cosmo Inc. (Everett)
Evergreen State College (Olympia)
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Seminary (Tacoma)
Gene Juarez Academy of Beauty (Federal Way)
Gene Juarez Academy of Beauty (Seattle)
Glen Dow Academy of Hair Design Inc. (Spokane)
Gonzaga University Department of Religious Studies (Spokane)
Gonzaga University (Spokane)
Grays Harbor College (Aberdeen)
Green River Community College (Auburn)
Greenwood Academy of Hair Design (Seattle)
Henry Cogswell College (Everett)
Heritage College (Toppenish)
Highline Community College (DesMoines)
Inland Northwest Heating, Ventilation and A/C Training Center (Spokane)
Interface Computer School (Spokane)
International Air Academy (Vancouver)
ITT Technical Institute (Bothell)
ITT Technical Institute (Seattle)
ITT Technical Institute (Spokane)
Kirkland Beauty School (Woodinville)
Lake Washington Technical College (Kirkland)
Lincoln Beauty School, Inc. (Tacoma)
Lower Columbia College (Longview)
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