Work for Yourself First 先为自己工作
luyued 发布于 2011-01-27 17:26 浏览 N 次一篇不错的文章,转过来看看
Work for Yourself First
One of the common financial strategies you can easily adopt tostart building financial security is to "pay yourselffirst". The way it works is when you first collect your paycheck, beforeyou do anything else, sock away 10% or more of that check into aninvestment account. That way you takecare of your future before you take care of the bill collectors andloan officers.
In asimilar vein, you can adopt a work for you firstphilosophy.
When you have personal goals, finding time to dedicate to them canbe challenging. We have jobs, we havefamilies. We have unexpected emergencies. That is why when youwake up in the morning, a good thought to have is "how sooncan I start working on my goal?"
Or better, maybe set your alarm clock an hour ahead of time so youhave an extra hour early in the morning to get rolling onit.
The reason this habit is so important is if we are not careful,other people will put us to work on theirgoals. They will have us doing stuff which may never contribute to our owngoals.
Work for you first
The way you win big achievements is through dailyperseverance. You can't go fromminimum-wage to a million dollars in just one dayseffort. You can't turn around a pending divorce by giving your spouse oneday of love. You can't get yourPhD. in microbiology by only studying for one day. No, it'spersistence that leads to the big win. Days, weeks andsometimes years of dedication on a daily basis are what leads tosuccess. So each day you miss is a setback.
How many days pass where we go to sleep exhausted, after a daypacked with work - work unrelated to our goals? That’s sad isn’tit?
A day consumed with reaching other people's goals is a form ofneglect of your own goals.
Working for you first means taking more control out of the hands ofother people and gaining it back for you. Likewisethe smart investor knows he has bill to pay, hehas stuff to buy. But on payday,every payday, he takes a portion of his checkfirst and puts it into investments. That way, he takescare of others wants and desires only after hisare. Awise goal setter will do the same with his time. He'll take hislimited time and work for himself first.
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