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luyued 发布于 2011-04-17 01:28   浏览 N 次  
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登录投稿 你当初的地位: 梦幻英语网 >> 娱乐英语 >> 幽默英语 >> 注释 IQ也疯狂--英语脑筋急转弯-幽默英语

1. Why is the letter E so sad?

2. Why is the letter E so important?

3. What can pierce(刺透) one’s ears without a hole?

4. What’s the longest word in the world?

5. A police officer has a brother,but the brother does not have a brother. How could that be?


Key: 1. Because it’s always out of cash and always in debt.

Key: 2. Because it’s the beginning of everything.

Key: 3. Noise.

Key: 4. Smiles. Because there’s a mile between the letter “s”.

Key: 5. The police officer is a lady.

【更新时光:2007-7-23 20:46:53】【封闭窗口】 上一篇文章: A Dog’s Life 狗的毕生-风趣英语下一篇文章: 我的光头日记-滑稽英语 推荐a 推荐b 推举c 推荐d 栏目导航 最新信息 热点信息 相干信息 【星座英语】【时尚英语】【英语谜语】【影视英语】【幽默英语】【英语名言警句】【英语祝愿赠言】【英语历史文明】【英语脑筋急转弯】【轻松英语】【英语万花筒】【异域风情】【英语文库】 食物礼节--Food Etiquette-时尚英语
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