luyued 发布于 2011-04-03 17:38 浏览 N 次
The interview was hold on Jan.28, Sales team's interviewers were HF, Yan ( Branch Manager), Kent Ao ( Sales Manager) and Isabella ( HR), I felt nervous on that day and i was the firstone for interview.
My interview was last for 40 minutes, they asked me many questions during my interview, first question they asked "what's your great achivement up till now? "Can you tell us specifically? How did you manager your team as a leader? Would you rise up an example that you help your team-mate to get success? If you have a conflict with your boss, what will you do? Do you think what qualifications should have as a sales? What would you like to do in weekend? Did you take some coures to upgrade yourself? What courses and why? What's the different between sales and customer service? what's more important?
They said the outcome will be quoted after lunar new year. Actually, I had a feeling of release after the interview, no matter the outcome will be, I just do my utmost to be a good sales and get my job done, I think they felt my honesty and knew i am a helpful person.
My interview was last for 40 minutes, they asked me many questions during my interview, first question they asked "what's your great achivement up till now? "Can you tell us specifically? How did you manager your team as a leader? Would you rise up an example that you help your team-mate to get success? If you have a conflict with your boss, what will you do? Do you think what qualifications should have as a sales? What would you like to do in weekend? Did you take some coures to upgrade yourself? What courses and why? What's the different between sales and customer service? what's more important?
They said the outcome will be quoted after lunar new year. Actually, I had a feeling of release after the interview, no matter the outcome will be, I just do my utmost to be a good sales and get my job done, I think they felt my honesty and knew i am a helpful person.
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