Dog went dogs market
luyued 发布于 2011-04-03 12:15 浏览 N 次Dog went dogs market----benben
Last Saturday, we went to the dogs market at east of Beijing.
Beijing's winter is so cold, dogs feel so cold, Dog feels so cold....
I saw this blackboard on the wall outside SPR coffee bar before we go to dogs market. I think, provide free surfing Internet is very common service of any coffee bar, but please be aware that this bar tell people their network support both Wireless and LAN is better than others didn't tell that. You know, every customer have their individuation of needs, maybe their laptops don't support Wireless or they need LAN for higher speed of download data. So I think this is better consciousness of service and we need study it, because of consulting industry is typical service industry.
In car, I took the following two pictures. XiHuan Plaza in them. Above one was taken on way to market and other was taken on way home.During this two pictures, Dog took many pictures for many dogs....
Show my favourite here.... Golden Retriever, my favourite. IQ rank is No.1.
Could you guess which company are they product of? Answer is in next picture.Hahahaha, Hewlett-Packard's Product!!!! Just a kiding....They were waken up by me....Dog touch he or she, hahahaha!!!! Labrador Retriever, their IQ rank is No.2, looks smart, right? Chow Chow, it looks like a lion, right?
Husky, my brother have bought one last year in Wuhan, but that Husky got serious sickness, we don't it is still alive or dead now.
They are not dog, they are Gamecock. Dog is Gamecock!!!! hahahaha!!!!- 07-01· 推荐阅读:冰岛的两本校
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