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IQ quiz

luyued 发布于 2011-01-28 12:52   浏览 N 次  

IQ Tests
1. You have twelve sheep. All but three died. How many are left?
A. Ten;
B. Nine;
C. Twelve;
D. Three.

2. There's a blue house, a white house, and a red house. Where's the white house?
A. In the middle;
B. 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue;
C. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue;
D. On the left.

3. There is a single story house, the porch is blue, the inside is all red, the grass is green, the bathrooms are baby blue, the kitchen is all white, the trim is brown, the carpet is purple, what color are the stairs?
A. Green;
B. There are no stairs;
C. Not enough information is given;
D. Red;
E. Blue.

4. Which one is not like the other?
A. Snake;
B. Dog;
C. Bunny;
D. Cat.

5. If BEAR is to RAEB, then 3589 it to _____?
A. 9835;
B. 9853;
C. 3895;
D. 5389.

6. What does IQ stand for?
A. It does not stand for anything;
B. Intelligence Quiz;
C. Intelligence Quotient.

7. If Sarah is twice Sam's age, and Sam is 12, how old with Sarah be in 4 years?
A. Ten;
B. Twenty-four;
C. Twelve;
D. Twenty-eight.

8. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there will it make a sound?
A. Maybe;
B. A question that has plagued our world for centuries, I'm going to have to go with, nothing can be proved;
C. No;
D. Yes.

上一篇:世上最牛的IQ 下一篇:Test Your Own IQ Again