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USTC Alumni Foundation Honor Roll (8-31-2007)

luyued 发布于 2011-01-27 11:30   浏览 N 次  
August 2007 passed as a surprisingly strong monthfor USTCAF with close to $48K raised. It was dominatedby two large donations from LIU Xiucai(773) and CHENLei(780) and contributions to 8211 subfund kicking offcelebration for the USTC 50th Anniversary. USTCAF greatly appreciates following alumni, friends and corporations for their generous contribution during August of 2007 to our efforts in helping USTC and its people. Qualcomm Incorporated
LIN Yao 林垚 929
ZHANG Junfeng 张骏峰 930
XIA Yue 夏悦 9311
JIANG Xiong 江雄 906
HUANG Kelan &LIN Jian 黄可兰&林间 772
ZHAO Hongchao 赵红潮 776
DING Yu 丁宇 889
WANG Dongxing 王东星 791
XUE Xiaofei 8818
HO Donovan 何东 8211
YANG Jie 杨洁 962
SUN Zhuang 孙壮 8700
LIU Haoxing 刘皓行 8212
CHEN Weimin Tim 陈为民 776
SPX Foundation
CHEN Lei 陈雷 780
LI Cheng 李成 962
LIU Xiucai 刘修才 773
YANG Weihua 杨伟华 8211
LIANG Ronggang 梁戎刚 8211
United Way of Bay Area
LIU Minzhi 刘敏芝 8211
Up to August 31, 2007, USTC Alumni Foundation has raised $1,153,258 from alumni, friends and corporatioons around the world. The following is our YTD performance comparing with 2006. 2006 2007 =======================Q1 $26683 $55729Q2 $55792 $142373Q3 $82320 $67322 (July/Aug only)Q4 $211929 $0=======================Total $376724 $265424 For more details on AF financial status, please checkhttp://ustcaf.org/d/donation/rec
To make a tax-deductible contribution, please go to
If you want to make stock donation, please contact
Zhang Shangyou(771) at szhang AT udel.edu
Or if you are busy, just send a check payable to
"USTC Alumni Foundation" to
c/o Mr. Bing Zhang,
307 Blue Jay Dr,
Hockessin, DE 19707,
(Please also write your email address, USTC class
number and your Chinese name on the check.)
Your contribution will --
* Help USTC recruit the most promising young kids;
* Help relieve financial burden for some of these young
* Reward those excel in teaching those young kids;
* Reward those promising young faculty members
lifting USTC's reputation as a leader in Science
and Technology.
===== Blog for USTC Alumni Foundation =============

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