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LSG - Leg Shaking Charger

luyued 发布于 2011-01-26 06:33   浏览 N 次  
I think there're some good idea that I have to patent :
1. wireless mouse charger : in some wiressless mouse, you can put the receiver into the mouse for easily carry. when the receiver pluged into usb port, if it contains a chargeable battery inside, it can temporarily "carry" some power on it, and when we put it back into the mouse, it can send the power into the chargeable battery inside the mouse.
2. mechanical mouse charger : when we use mouse, we move it on desk. we all know that even we move the mouse very short distance everytime, but the sum is very huge! so if we can catch some energy from every move, i believe we can store a lot in very short time.
3. let shaking charger... if you like to shake your lets, you may generate power, and charge anything... by shaking your lets...
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