Russian armors X-XVII enturies helmet with the the barmitsa.
luyued 发布于 2011-04-04 16:02 浏览 N 次
Helmet (metallic head-gear of soldier) since olden times existed in Russia. In Ix- X centuries the helmets were done from several metallic plates, which were being connected between themselves by rivets. After assembling the helmet was decorated with silver, gold and iron cover plates with the ornament, inscriptions or images. In those times was extended the smoothly bent, elongated upwards helmet with the rod above. West Europe did not know the helmets of this form completely, but they were widely disseminated both in front Asia and in Russia. However, four preserved from THE X century military nagolov'yam of this type include two helmets from the famous Chernigov barrow black grave, one - of the Chernigov barrow To gul'bishche and one - of the large Gnezdovskogo barrow on Smolenshchine. This is how archaeologist D described helmet from the black grave. 4. Samokvasov, that investigated in 1872-1873 this burial: helmet "... it consists of four iron plates, stretched over by the bronze plates of triangular form, connected by sharp angles by dull helmet... " Helmet from it is jack, by form repeating Chernigov, it is covered with the iron carved plates, which resemble wooden thread.
From behind and it is lateral to this helmet it were fastened the chain armor grid - "barmitsa", which protected neck and arms of soldier.
From behind and it is lateral to this helmet it were fastened the chain armor grid - "barmitsa", which protected neck and arms of soldier.
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