luyued 发布于 2011-04-08 18:10 浏览 N 次
今天是2006年6月6日~~~三个06连在一起~~~貌似是很幸运的一天~~~对我来说的幸运也许就是今天没下雨~~~赶到学校上课没有湿搭搭~~~ 今天是个好日子~~~要更新一下下~~~省得老被同志们批评累贼~~~ 这段时间天天6点起床~~~无比勤快的赶到滨江给学生们上课~~~以至于我的生物钟调整的无比健康~~~每天6点~~~虽然两只眼睛还闭着~~~但是大脑已经无比清醒~~~ 身体让我躺着不动~~~但是大脑却催促我起床~~~经过这段时间的试验~~~我发现人的意志绝对可以战胜身体的疲劳~~~伟大的精神力量啊~~~ 每天说的最多的一个字可能就是累~~~真是没出息~~~ 双休日是唯一能补觉的日子~~~但是那健康的生物钟让我在可以偷懒的双休日也无比准时的6点醒来~~~郁闷啊~~~ 唯一的消遣就是看看超女~~~无聊的生活啊~~~要说一下的是今年杭州赛区还真是强~~~唱口水歌的人大大减少~~~唱英文歌的人大大增多~~~有个叫郝菲尔的居然把《The Girl From Ipanema》也给唱了~~~牛啊牛~~~虽然和原唱的众多版本有着不小的差距~~~但是至少选歌听歌的品位都比去年的好多了~~~只可惜高手多了~~~撕杀也就更残酷~~~个人比较挺孙闻雍~~~Alicia Keys 的歌太适合她唱了~~~声音一流棒~~~人也不做作~~~我就决定支持她了~~~不过照目前的情形看~~~有可能在10进7就被黑掉~~~ 课程还有1周多就OK了~~~但是自己还有暴多的事情要做~~~海报~~~论文翻译~~~嘉年华都没时间去~~~冰河世纪2~~~ 在今天这个好日子~~~天上的神仙都来保佑我啊~~~度过这学期末痛苦的日子~~~ 忘记说了~~~偶的发型又变回清汤挂面了~~~卷卷被我剪光光了~~~清爽啊~~~挖卡卡卡卡卡卡~~~ the girl from ipanema tall and tan and young and lovely
the girl from ipanema goes walking
and when she passes each one she passes goes ah~"
when she walks she's like a samba that
swings so cool and sway so gently
that when she passes each one she passes goes ah~"
oh but he watches her so sadly
how can he tell her he loves her?
yes he would give his heart gladly
but each day when she walks to the sea
she looks straight ahead not at him
tall and tan and young and lovely
the girl from ipanema goes walking
and when she passes he smiles
but she doesn't see
oh but he watches her so sadly
how can he tell her he loves her?
yes he would give his heart gladly
but each day when she walks to the sea
she looks straight ahead not at him
tall and tan and young and lovely
the girl from ipanema goes walking
and when she passes he smiles
but she doesn't see
she just doesn't see
no she doesn't see
the girl from ipanema goes walking
and when she passes each one she passes goes ah~"
when she walks she's like a samba that
swings so cool and sway so gently
that when she passes each one she passes goes ah~"
oh but he watches her so sadly
how can he tell her he loves her?
yes he would give his heart gladly
but each day when she walks to the sea
she looks straight ahead not at him
tall and tan and young and lovely
the girl from ipanema goes walking
and when she passes he smiles
but she doesn't see
oh but he watches her so sadly
how can he tell her he loves her?
yes he would give his heart gladly
but each day when she walks to the sea
she looks straight ahead not at him
tall and tan and young and lovely
the girl from ipanema goes walking
and when she passes he smiles
but she doesn't see
she just doesn't see
no she doesn't see
上一篇:到家 下一篇:抗战初期我空军之许来克A-12型攻击机
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