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luyued 发布于 2011-01-28 07:36   浏览 N 次  


张博伟,新东方雅思听力名师,丰富的中英文化底蕴,激情勃发,幽默豁达,有很强的亲和力,授课风格自然、亲切,深受学生的喜爱。课堂中充满欢声笑语。拥有多年教学经验,擅长从独特的角度切入考试,简明扼要,突破障碍,直达成功,研发了《雅思听力短期突击》《雅思听力课后复习纲要》《雅思听力语法》《雅思听力核心词组》《雅思小作文面面通》等有效的学习材料,培养了众多高分学员。 座右铭:用最短的时间,考出最高的分数!

SECTION 1 (NEW V11119S1)
1. first accommodation: near the supermarket
2. second one called studio
3. Second one has facility: microwave
4. near Sports Centre
5. third one: outdoor table
6. fee $219
7. salad with fruit
8. children can play XX and table tennis
9. Barbecue at picnic area
10. dance with a band

SECTION 2 (V30080S2)


11.the first is called the Lead

(这是4人参与的游戏,the Lead, the Second, the Third, the Skip核心人物)
12.the length of the ice is called the Sheet
13.the target place is called the House
14.Scottish brushes are made from house hair (游戏工具是stones and brushes)
15.a shoe made of rubber
16.the team captain carries a stop watch

17.What is it famous for? B
A. Champions

B. 最老的俱乐部

C. 最具影响力之一的俱乐部

18.Why was this club established? C
A. ……

B. To train young people

C.fix regulations for the game

19.In the 16th century, the curling game was not banned because_____ B
A. It was not popular
B. It can train people for the battle
C. It was played by the children

A. local material

B. Imported stones(加拿大不能进口石头)

C. Cast iron铸铁

SECTION 3 (V30085S3)
学生关于音乐对人们进食影响的研究,讲 2 个学生给他们的老师 report assignment


21. 研究主题: 选A. music’s effect on customers
22. music is played: A
A in different areas

B uniform level

C certain time

23. 调查问卷的第一题目的在于:disguise the purpose of the survey

24. 问卷问题来源于: from a previous study
25, 26. 选择该餐馆考虑因素:competitor nearby & seat capacity

27-30.Matching是把 4 种音乐对就餐人员产生的影响
Jazz: people spend more money
No music: people did not think the ……worths the price

Classic: people left right after eating
Pop: people came back again

SECTION 4 (NEW V11119S4)
Salt 的历史
31. Salt is essential for health
32. English word 'salary' is from salt
33. animals live in local forest during the summer
34. fresh meat only available in October
35. salt has been used widely we can tell from the diet of king
36. beer consumption is larger because the food was so salty
salt sources:
37. Salt的来源是sea in ocean and basin in desert
38. salt from spring water more concentrated and purer
39. shipping is important
40. transport



Passage 1 新题;对大堡礁一种鱼的研究。

Passage 2 老题;语言的传播的研究。

Passage 3 老题;火星生命的探究。
which paragraph contains the following information
