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luyued 发布于 2011-01-30 18:36   浏览 N 次  

越来越怀疑这两个人是有预谋的….哪儿就那么巧了,俩人都开始整博客写日志了….像是在较劲儿一样…= =


可是可是,这个家伙居然隔天又贴出一张帖子,说啥“I feel like I've got a million moms....that's cool !!!”,Oh My God!俺真想华丽丽的晕倒….你以为那些fans愿意当你奶妈子啊…而且你比人家大多少啊…脸皮厚的叹为观止….还~还~还~~cool?!....很得意是不?默念一百遍:这个男人是不可理喻的!不可理喻的!!


p.s.看泰哥主页左边的falsh了没?没看的赶紧看去,有情报啊有情报,有一张是taiji裸露的臂上的玫瑰刺青,字幕显示:VIOLET ROSES。Violet啊,Rose啊,瞎子都看得出来这是指谁~太——明——显——了,泰哥你想干嘛….就直说吧…= =



Yesterday, after the long hours of VUK recording, I went home and tried to sleep, but I could't. So I started playing the piano......Bach, Chopin, X Japan, VUK or whatever came to my fingers. I ended up playing more than 8 fucking hours. Now I'm back in the studio recording again. I'm not tired, but my wrists hurt. Not from the piano, but more from computer programming of the songs.

It even pains me to type this blog, but I just wanted to say thank you for supporting Violet UK!!!

The doctors have told me to take it easy, but I don't care anymore, I'm gonna keep on rockin 'till I finish the album. Then I can perform in concert....... in front of you, instead of alone in my living room.


I feel like I've got a million moms....that's cool !!!

I'm gonna have a day off tomorrow...the first one this year!!!
